Battleborn ahora es gratuito (Free Trial)


Battleborn, el "hero shooter" de Gearbox, acaba de anunciar una versión GRATUITA que permitirá disfrutar del multijugador competitivo sin coste alguno. Por tanto, el juego pasará a ser Free To Play (Aunque en ningún momento mencionen la palabra Free To Play


We’re excited to announce a new and incredible way to jump into the hero-shooter, Battleborn! Starting today players can experience unlimited competitive multiplayer for FREE with the Battleborn Free Trial.

Players can now pick up Battleborn as a free downloadable experience that grants UNLIMITED access to all competitive multiplayer gameplay modes and maps, without any time limits or level caps. To keep things fresh, there is a weekly rotation of six heroes from the roster of 30 total heroes. Progress with each hero and player account progression is also permanent, so when the same character comes back around players can pick them up where they left off. To download the Battleborn Free Trial, head to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or Steam store page and search for Battleborn. Each page has a “Try Now” or "Play Game" button to download the Free Trial.
Steam Store

Already own Battleborn? Then you’re a Founder! Keep on reading to find out what being a Founder entails.

When is the Free Trial available?
The Free Trial is now available globally on Steam!

New players won’t have to worry about matchmaking against a team with Command Rank 100 and legendary gear out of the gate. With the launch of the Free Trial, we’re also introducing a queue specifically for new players. This queue was created just for new and lower rank players to learn the ropes without being matched with more experienced players. Even if you’re a quick learner or an experienced MOBA player, we wanted to give you enough time to find your Battleborn play style and favorite heroes. Once a player masters Battleborn’s mechanics and reaches Command Rank 20, the Novice Queue will disappear and they be able to join other Battleborn players in the regular queues.

If you’re new to Battleborn, or just feeling a little rusty, take advantage of the new Training Modes, including an Incursion Tutorial to build up competitive multiplayer skills, and The Dojo, where players can test drive all 30 Battleborn heroes against waves of minions, regardless of whether they’re unlocked outside of The Dojo.

Played it, loved it, want more? We got you. Players can unlock heroes, customizations for your favorite hero, experience boosters, or even the Story Mode Operations in the Marketplace individually. In the Marketplace, you’ll find a number of items that can be purchased with Credits earned in-game or Platinum premium currency including:

  • Battleborn Heroes
  • Cosmetics skins and taunts
  • Gear packs
  • XP and Loot Boosters
  • Additional Loadouts and Bank pages
  • Story Operations, individually or as part of the Season Pass bundle
  • Battle Passes to access private matches

Players can also head to either digital or retail stores to upgrade to the full game and unlock all 25 base characters, all eight Story Mode missions and the Prologue, as well as permanent access to private matches. Upgrading is seamless and any player going from the Free Trial to the full game will receive in-game credits for any duplicated content that was purchased a la carte. Additionally, character challenges and masteries will carry over with the upgrade, and players will be granted access to earn the character masteries that are only available through Story Mode missions.

PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam achievements or trophies will be granted upon upgrading to the full game. In order to complete the transfer of challenges, masteries, achievements, and trophies, complete the task one more time by hopping into a match or mission to complete the action (ex. get a kill, play as a Peacekeeper) and earn the corresponding reward.


  • Acceso ilimitado a los modos multijugadores competitivos (No Coperativos)
  • Sin límite de nivel
  • Rotación semanal de 6 personajes, con opción a adquirir los restantes ya sea con la moneda del juego, o microtransacciones
  • Modo "noobs" hasta el nivel 20

¿Y qué pasa si tenías el juego cogiendo polvo en tu libreria?

Anyone who’s already purchased and played the retail version of Battleborn prior to the launch of the Free Trial (June 6, 2017) has been awarded Founder Status. Founders have been here with us honing their skills in multiplayer matches and protecting the last star from Rendain and the Varelsi, and we’re proud to reward these veteran players with the Founder title and Founders bonus content, including Legendary Gear, 1,000 Platinum, 50,000 Credits, Loot Packs and more, plus an exclusive “Founder’s Crown” Flair item. What’s flair? These special pieces of gear have visual components for your hero such as ears, horns and headwear. Flair has a chance to drop from any loot pack, and is a guaranteed drop from the Magnus Loot Pack, a new loot pack introduced with the arrival of the Free Trial.

La FREE TRIAL está disponible en STEAM y Xbox One ya mismo, mientras que en Ps4, su lanzamiento será el próximo 13 de junio.


ni asi va a jugar nadie xD La única vez que jugué yo casi me da un ataque epiléptico

1 respuesta

#2 Con suerte pueden levantar la poca comunidad que tenían. Por mi parte, prefiero seguir jugando a Paladins, pero no es para nada este un mal juego


A mí me gusta más que el Overwatch con el que siempre se compara, pero lo de tener que desbloquear héroes incluso cuando has pagado el juego y esos personajes... una de las mayores cagadas que he visto en este mundillo xD
A ver si ahora sacan un pack simple interesante para la PS4 para reemplazarlo.


De rendimiento va bastante regular, pero el juego en sí es divertido.

El diseño de los personajes... bueno, a mi personalmente no me gusta mucho.

El paladin y el overwatch estan optimizados muy bien, y van super fluidos, pero este juego, en cambio, va como el culo.

Por eso nunca lo he jugado.

1 respuesta

#5 has jugado al tutorial del competitivo? A mi me iba como el culo

1 respuesta

Han quitado la season pass de la tienda. O sea, que quien tenga el full game update tiene ya todo, supongo.

Bueh, lo tengo de un Bundle y no creo que lo juegue nunca.


#6 Si, y las campañas esas que hay monojugador, también van horribles.

Se nota que usa el motor gráfico de Borderlands, que ya de por sí no era gran cosa en cuanto a optimización.


Será necesario el plus para jugarlo en ps4?

1 respuesta

#9 Si no me equivoco, si que hace falta


Ni con esas llegan a mil personas jugándolo.

1 respuesta

#11 Creo que es normal. Lo sacan un Martes y son 45gb nada mas y nada menos xD Veremos el fin de semana


Ojalá, en realidad tengo bastantes ganas de jugarlo, pero sin una comunidad...

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