Buenas, recuerdo que habia una web que te metias, y no sé si gratis o por 1€ pillabas un server para un partido, incluso te hacia un sorteo con la gente que se metiese en la web, la recuerdo del telegram que habia de MV
El tío tuvo que poner que fuera de pago.
Por lo visto era una página web sin ánimo de lucro y con esto del COVID le llegó una factura de 8k€ en servidores.
Qué menos con todas las horas que me ha dado popflash que aportar de algún modo xd
Due to coronavirus and the widespread social distancing, PopFlash has seen an unprecedented level of usage these past two weeks. Nearly four to five times (4-5x) our normal levels, and growing. I'm talking 5,000 matches x 30,000 players every day on the way to costing more than $8,000/month in server fees.
For the last five years, PopFlash has been entirely free. I have never put up ads nor have I ever sold your data. I paid every dime out of my own pocket. While I have accepted donations, they've covered less than 6% of the total costs. And PopFlash is a team of one person. I'm not complaining; I did this because I enjoyed it.
Unfortunately, it's reached a point where I literally can not sustain nor afford to run PopFlash for free anymore. The costs are just too high.