Madre mía, cómo esta poniendo la prensa inglesa a Green (y supongo que no es para menos...) Aquí tenéis, para el que sepa inglés, muchos de los chistes que se han sacado de la manga respecto al tema:
* If only John Terry had lived next door to Robert Green's missus...
Why is Robert Green like ITV HD? They both switch off at the crucial moment.
What does Robert Green do after winning the World Cup? Drops his controller.
At least that's one British spillage the Americans won't be moaning about...
What's the difference between Robert Green and Justin Bieber? Robert Green knows how to drop his balls.
Kermit was right: It's not easy being Green.
All these Rob Green jokes are getting out of hand. In fact they're crossing the line...
The England lads had a get-together after the game and bought Robert Green a drink to commiserate. He spilled it.
Steven Gerrard said: "The whole team is behind Rob Green." With hindsight, that's a good place to stand.
Robert Green's bringing out his own South African trumpet. It's known as a boo-boozela
Robert Green - a joke even Americans can understand.
Yesterday at London Zoo one of the staff let a a Central American monkey slip out of his grasp. So Robert Green's not the only English keeper to drop a Howler.
My computer's got the Robert Green virus. It can't save anything.
Just bought a Robert Green condom. Extra slippery and you're guaranteed not to catch anything.
Rob Green has injured himself. Apparently, he put his head in his hands and immediately kneed himself in the face.
What's the difference between a botanist with the flu and the England goalkeeper? One has Green fingers and can catch a cold...
Before he got into football, Robert Green was a bus driver. But he got fired because he couldn't make any stops.
I'm Robert Green and cleaning Windows is my next idea...
And the best England v USA joke which doesn't feature Robert Green is.. .
- It was a clever move to bring Shaun Wright-Phillips on. For 15 minutes the Americans were stunned, thinking Gary Coleman had come back to life.