Garantía producto


a ver, se me ha jodido el ventilador trasero de la PSU, la fuente tiene pues unas dos semanas escasas...
el tema es que he preguntado al fabricante (Aerocool) y me han dicho esto:

"Here are couple of ways you can get this unit back to work.

Option 1:
If the back fan is defective, let me know if you know how to open up the
PSU unit and replace the fan.
If you do, then all we need is for you to remove the fan and mail it
back to us after you request an RMA#.
The instruction to remove the fan is as attached file.
(Your warranty are still intact as long as you keep this RMA record with
your receipt in case you need it in the future. Your warranty period
will not extend from the RMA date. It will still be counting since the
time of your actual purchase. In another word, RMA service will not
extend or reset the warranty period regardless if it is repaired or

Option 2:
If you do not know how to do it, then you can ship the whole PSU back to
us and we will fix it and ship it back to you. The only different is the
shipping cost.

Please email me a copy of your receipt and let us know which option you
want it to be done. Option 1 or 2.

Thanks for your cooperation and you have a good day."

como veis al parecer puedo repararla yo, y no perdería la garantía en caso de necesitarla...
pero mi duda es, que al yo comprar la PSU por medio de otra empresa, no se si ellos tienen la misma política que tenga el fabricante o si tendrán ellos la suya propia.

Lo mas lógico y rápido sería arreglarla yo, pero y si luego no la consigo arreglar, me quedo colgado sin fuente y sin garantía.

Alguna sugerencia?

thx =)

Usuarios habituales

  • GR33N