by kingofnaples #1084
TS3 /22/
IP : ts3.mediavida.comPUERTO : 9987
CANAL : StarCraft II
by kingofnaples #1084
Me estoy leyendo la historia por reddit y twitter y es brutal. Este es el resumen que ha hecho un usuario:
For the people asking what happened:
the short version is a girl who is an italian law student esl admin was a moderator in avilos chat since 2 years ago and avilo thought they were dating and it was recently bought to his attention that she was "cheating" on him and then he imploded on sunday asking and eventually demanding she come into the chat to say they were together. he spend the next day and a half or so rambling, crying, smashing stuff and shit talking maria saying that she was both a slut, being manipulated and abused into cheating on him, saying she was impatient because they couldn't meet sooner, and it just kept getting worse and worse
until destiny came to talk to him and that part you can still see on destiny's vod. destiny was trying really hard to put it altogether with some detective work (seriously) and he tried to talk avilo through it but avilo kept focusing on things he could have done to prevent this instead of looking forward
then destiny has maria on and she denies everything says hes crazy and has reported him to twitch and said the police was the next step if he didn't stop
then avilo comes back on after another mini break down and says he doesn't trust destiny, he has a script from the same people manipulating and abusing maria
the skype groups he refers to them as
destiny at this point warns avilo to stop because his stream is at risk avilo catches on and tries to stop then rambles on for another hour or so before bawling again (hard to breath bawling) and turns it off
he spends the next 15 or so hours in his chat talking about it, saying how hes compiling evidence that they were together and that maria is being manipulated
and his channel got banned a few hours ago
thats the short version
Perdón por el derail del monólogo de Pato, pero tenía que ponerlo:
Cuántos catalanes había en esa boda? £A P€£A
/modeBashpan off
En serio estás buscando ética en el fútbol y encima lo ligas a una crítica a los catalanes?
De verdad Pato te extraña que con media Catalunya luchando por un movimiento fundamentalmente insolidario, los invitados de esa boda van a ser menos?
Estamos presenciando los últimos vestigios de la sociedad catalana, pronto sólo el egoísmo gobernará sus corazones, los vecinos se volverán contra los vecinos porque algunos no querrán pagar la comunidad, hermanos contra hermanos por no querer pagar el asilo de sus padres... una fragmentación continua hasta que sólo exista el individuo. Será la anarquía.
Lo leísteis aquí primero.
Que he hecho con el foro... en que comento me equivoque tanto para que se hable de Maduro, catalanes y transpecies.... :palm:
#4726 >implying que ser egoísta tiene algo de malo
El Estado, el socialismo y el altruismo son spooks, la única sociedad con sentido es la asociación de egoístas.
#4726 >fundamentalmente insolidario
lo dices por lo de "Espanya ens roba"?
No todos queremos la independencia por lo mismo.
Pero paro ya de caer en baits, que hacía días que no posteaba y quería llenar mi cupo.
Perdón por el offtopic: