Bloodborne #HO | Welcome home, good hunter


Y en lugar de eso, un puto blanquito que bien podría ser mi primo Miguel.


Omg que grande, el primo Miguel :D


Otra opinión del juego en el E3 2014.

Lo único potable es que habrá safe zones parecidas a los bonfires o Archstones.
Seguirá existiendo la Stamina Bar (nadie lo dudaba)
El resto es Ohhhh!!! Ahhhh!!! mmmmm!!! y ya lo conocemos

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#483 Este tio ha confundido demon como secuela de dark xDDD

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#484 tipico newfag que ha jugado demons despues de le you died

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#484 #485 ya lo dice que no los ha jugado, que le gusta ver a la gente jugarlos risas enlatadas. Perdonadle, porque no sabe en qué lío le han obligado meterse.


Después de más de 400h entre Dks1 y DkS2 me compro el Demon's y me dan manteca. Así da gusto jugar




Esperando que internet nos de las scans.

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#489 leerla en el iPad es gloria


Dammit deja de subir el hilo que el juego no sale hasta atomarpoculo05

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#491 UNFAV~


Sí, pagué 5€ por esto :D

7 2 respuestas

#493 y nosotros te bendecimos por ello.

1 comentario moderado

#493 gracias por compartir

1 respuesta

#496 Intentaré sacar mejores capturas yo desde el iPad porque estas no se ven demasiado bien aunque se puede leer.


Bloodborne será jugable en la Gamescom. Tendremos toneladas de Hands-on :D

"We're going to be there at all upcoming major game shows like gamescom, where we'll have our first hands-on demo on pods on the showfloor. There we can gauge first hand the reaction to the game."


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#498 Cuando es la Gamescom?

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#499 13-17 de agosto

8 días después

Jun Yoshino se encuentra en los estudios londinenses de Air Lyndhurst donde se está grabando el tema principal de Bloodborne. Adjuntamos foto para conocer quien narices está dirigiendo.


En la música albergo muchas esperanzas, las anteriores entregas fueron buenisimas


Pfff... Cada vez que leo algo nuevo de este juego, más hype tengo. Solo espero que no sea un clon de Dark Souls.


Estamos cada vez más cerca de conocer al compositor. Wandmacher ha compuesto algunos temas para Twisted Metal o Singularity y ha colaborado en Bloodborne.


Mentirijillas en un hilo de 4Chan en un 99,9% (o no) sobre lo que veremos en la Gamescom y el bombardeo de info posterior.

Met with Miyazaki at From Software HQ in Japan. Got some cool swag (Bloodborne t-shirt worn by the devs at E3, Dark Souls II Mirror Knight statue (only given out in contests and to developers) and the Japanese Collector's Edition (the one with the shield/weapon replicas).

Photos of merch

Saw gameplay demonstration of Bloodborne. Build shown at E3 was several months old. TGS demo was an entire year old. Game looks and performs much better. Will be playable publicly at Gamescom in Cologne this year. Lots of media coming in.
There's still magic and pyromancies. Enemies are much more aggressive, hiding in shadows and exploiting that. Very intelligent AI unlike the hallow soldiers.

Exclusive info:

Most importantly, the targeted 30FPS is for a completely stable frame rate. No Blighttown equivalents. There will be an option for a variable frame rate and if possible, they might be able to do 60FPS due to the ICE Team's recent optimization developments going into the Playstation 4's development kit later this year. Since this is a Sony Japan/From Software collaboration, they have the resources of Sony and Sony wants to really show off what the PS4 is capable with this game. Either way, it looks great and runs way better than the E3 demo and the TGS "leaked trailer".

Rolling system is totally different. Lock-on circle button press perform a swift "dodge" movement, like really really fast. A circle press without lock-on performs a roll as seen in the DeS/DaS games.

Sawcleaver transformation weapon is really cool, guns are unique mechanic wise since they're not made to kill. I saw another "transformable weapon". It was a scythe (like the Grim Reaper/Angel of Death), acts like the scythe that you get from the Brotherhood of Blood vendor in DaSII that transforms and becomes a short range blade that does slashing damage.

Just because it's a dark fantasy game doesn't rule anything out that you've seen from previous Souls games. The atmosphere is very dark, sinister and bloody but there's still magic. There's still miracles. There's still factions of sorts but it isn't clear what role they play.

Open world gameplay. Follows a story in the same way that DeS/DaS did. Lots of exploring to do. Lots of diverse areas (saw a farm/village-like area, city, cathedral and an area that reminded me of the sewers in the original Dark Souls. Lots of coal. Lots of machinery, reminds me of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs but better atmospherically.

Fast travel is OUT but shortcuts as seen in Dark Souls 1 are back in. The world from what I saw was big but it was compact and it reminded me of the way the world connected in the original game.

Dynamic lighting from DaSII pre-release is back and better than ever. Isn't necessary but if you don't use a torch, you'll miss out on a lot but you're leaving yourself open to damage since you won't be able to use a gun. Luckily you can drop the torch in combat and pick it up. No timer either, just logic based. Don't roll around in water and it'll last a good amount of time. You can pick up torches off the walls and there's plenty in darker areas of the game.

Difficulty isn't a focus in this game but it is definitely difficult. Miyazaki said he'd rather have an enjoyable game than a difficult game for the sake of being difficult. He's said that it's going to be challenging but it is fair.

Player vs Player is in but not in the ways that the Souls game did it. It still has that Souls-like singleplayer/multiplayer-hybrid thing going on but it's done differently. I don't exactly know how and he didn't go into details but there will be a emphasis on co-op along with PVP, more-so than it was in any of the Souls game.

No soul memory systems or equivalents but will be something there to prevent SL1 twinking. Instead, they're going for a tigher leveling cap that will force players to pick a play-style that has its strengths and weaknesses. No more havels with ten attunement slots fast rolling around using hexes/pyromancies/miracles while dual weilding the heaviest items in the game.

NG+ is confirmed with incentive to go through it multiple times. Different enemies. Different placements. Different items. All that good stuff. Players can expect a solid story and play the games as they have done with the Souls games before it, beginning middle and end but it can keep going if you're that kind of player. There is an end-game and the game is being designed to accommodate hardcore players.

They want to keep players coming back so there was talk of a world event system that would add content outside of a DLC distribution method. Probably similar to how Destiny is treating world events but I'm not sure.

No me gustaría ver ooootra vez stuff magico como en DkS, me han cansado ya. El resto no suena mal, sobretodo la opción de lock 30fps para la experiencia cinematográfica. ¿Qué os parece?

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Difficulty isn't a focus in this game but it is definitely difficult. Miyazaki said he'd rather have an enjoyable game than a difficult game for the sake of being difficult.

Gracias a dios basado Miyazaki ha vuelto. A tomar por culo le you die de dks2.


#505 Me parece que necesito una PS4 cuanto antes. Que hype tengo.


Fast travel is OUT but shortcuts as seen in Dark Souls 1 are back in

Y que me dices de esto?? Genial genial y genial :si:


Todo suena muy bien, la verdad. No se si será cierto o no, pero suena todo muy Miyazaki.


Sawcleaver transformation weapon is really cool, guns are unique mechanic wise since they're not made to kill. I saw another "transformable weapon". It was a scythe (like the Grim Reaper/Angel of Death), acts like the scythe that you get from the Brotherhood of Blood vendor in DaSII that transforms and becomes a short range blade that does slashing damage.

Me muero de ganas de ver todo esto. El tema del lock a 30 fps no me parece mal, al igual que ocurre con The Last of Us es una feature más que se puede activar a no.

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