Bueno señores gente como esta deberian de ser llevados a a la güillotina francesa, una pena que ya no se practique esta modalidad...
En definitiva esta tarde el dieguito, aunque no salga en la captura de pantalla se encontraba con sus amiwitos haciendo el payaso en el TEAMSPEAK de MOHICANOS...
Cual es mi sorpresa que estaban venga a kikearme banearme, y lo peor, a crear canales faltando el respeto a luna, lider de mohicanos...y otros usuarios....
Creo que se deberian de tomar medidas, como banearle todas las cuentas que tienen y que no entren a ningun server español o que no juegen competiciones...
Hay va la captura de imagen...
Ademas sergio (alive) tiene mas datos...
-#MHS#-ﮎeRζﺂסּ ##ali√e!: 16:04:11] brujo! was kicked from the server by player (Excess flood)
[16:04:19] priv SERVER: Client "Fd!" got banned from Server by "SER", reason "adios"
[16:04:19] Fd! was kicked from the server by player SER (adios)
[16:04:34] GueRRy ! Left channel
[16:04:46] GueRRy ! joined channel
[16:05:11] priv SERVER: Client "GueRRy !" got banned from Server by "SER", reason "adios puta"
[16:05:11] GueRRy ! was kicked from the server by player SER (adios puta)
[16:06:56] tinky quit
[16:07:22] ForFeiT joined channel
[16:08:08] ForFeiT Left channel
[16:08:10] GoluM joined channel
[16:08:14] GoluM quit
[16:08:16] ForFeiT moved by SER to channel mohicanos neW tS2!
[16:08:19] priv SERVER: Client "ForFeiT" got banned from Server for 5 minutes, reason "Excess flood"
[16:08:19] ForFeiT was kicked from the server by player (Excess flood)
[16:08:42] h joined channel
[16:08:43] GoluM joined channel
[16:10:03] h quit
[16:10:06] GoluM quit
[16:10:52] GoluM joined channel
[16:10:54] GoluM quit
[16:14:47] Channel is not empty