Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 (7-9 Junio)


Pero si todavia está el Rising que no se sabe nada de él

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#61 Kojima Productions es grande y tiene varios equipos.


Posible Hitman 5 en el E3

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Recordemos que:

Rising =/= Kojima.

Kojima simplemente salió en el E3 anunciándolo de igual manera que le pusieron a colaborar en el Castlevania, porque Kojima crea hype y aumento de ventas. Pero Rising no lo hace él y ya dejó bien claro que los anuncios a partir de ahora lo haría el creador original, él simplemente lo apoyaría



Creo que el Blood Money fué uno de los juegos que más me apasionó de la PS2, si no el que más. Lo estaba esperando :D



More Fable, Halo, Gears, Forza on the way, surprises due at E3

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#65 Fable 4, Halo 1 HD, Gears of War 3/kinect, Forza Motorsport 4

Microsoft luchando por quitarle el puesto a Sony en el award a E3 más previsible y soporífero.


Gun Loco era la aunténtica revolución para X360.


Sobre Halo 4 (gran candidato a ser anunciado en este E3): 343 traerá al siguiente Halo "dramatic innovations" y "slight tweaks" al formato de la saga.

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Trailer ingame de 2 minutos de Agent, el juego exclusivo de Rockstar para PS3 en la conferencia de Sony con el que por lo visto lo vamos a flipar.

2 respuestas

¿Ah pero ese juego existe? xD



Sinceramente, Sony me parece que anda con la mosca tras la oreja por el Kingdoms de Crytek, y van a ir con todo para contrarrestarlo.

Se avecinan buenos tiempos, caballeros.

12 días después

Tocho enorme con supuesta info filtrada del E3 de Sony (dos meses antes cackle), vosotros decidís si es cierta o no.

  • No price cut announced at E3 yet. ( doesn t mean there won't be one this year ).
  • 2 PS3 exclusive won't be presented at E3 but will be available before the end of the year in Europe.
  • NGP plateform will have a long presentation with 7 first party titles. Price and date revealed.
  • Warhawk sequel revealed before E3.
    -Twisted metal, R3, Uncharted 3 et TLG will be playable.
  • Polyphony is back...

I will try to be more precise next friday as we ll probably have the full schedule and planning. As for Polyphony, you can expect something cool.

Talking bout Kojima now I have a nice info concerning his " devil " project which has been found on the forum some times ago. And Metal Gear series is not dead.
His NGP project is not a game which has already been released before. Or not in the state he wanted it to be.

Last clue : Kojima made a survey concerning one of his big PSP project for another plateform release. ( Peace Walker )

PS : Mr XXX don't worry, Polyphony 's game will be out before March 2012, it s not a joke.

I don't have any clues about thirs party titles.

Oh yes, I forgot. You should know that there is a big battle concerning a third party dev title....you can guess the name of the devs , it s the first word you say on the phone when you speak ( Allo in french = Halo ). referring to Bungie.

Sony has an incredible set of titles in work.
I know at least 37 titles being in work for Sony plateforms.
The European event will be the main event of the titles which won't attend E3.

Polyphony would like to make Europe first as a privillege for its next title. Please don't underestimate their work even if they deceived some of you.

  • Wipeout engine perfectly ported over NGP...and Yes it will be out on the first semester following NGP's release.
    NGP official name will be revealed at E3 and EU event. internally we use NGP logos....I saw lots of NGP logos...But no idea if it s the official name.
    We are making sure the price will be affordable for everybody. I saw price estimations which were reasonable. I cannot bemore precise than ubisoft studies on the matter.

-E3 will reveal titles which will be available till Christmas 2012. Santa Monica will be on board. But don't expect much more infos about the title.

  • You haven't asked me but a lot of people are asking questions about Rockstar's title ( Codenamed : Agent ). We 'd like to spill more about it and show something but the conference will be full of first party titles already.
    Another Big Rockstar project could even be released before it. Agent is embarassing a lot of people here.

I repeat, at the end of next week we will tell more. And better beginning of May we will see all the trailers and project you will see at E3. Media & press journalist will be able to attend a Pre E3 event so they can see 4 to 6 playable games at the show.

We' ve been shown U3 demo quickly in a little clip internally. And it was super cool. The playable scene was as surprising as the U2 sequence presented feaw years ago at E3. it's really stylish. Some people will say it s like U2.5 but I loved it. [/i]



El próximo título de Quantic Dream en el E3 \o/


Uhm se me ocurre un Survival Horror REAL con mecánicas de Heavy Rain. Situaciones jodidamente angustiosas donde no hay acción directa, sólo interactuacciones con el entorno para poder escapar de las amenazas.

A quien coño se le ocurriría luchar contra una horda de zombies sin armas ni objetos dañinos? Además Quantic sabe inyectar emociones jodidamente tristes al jugador y conseguir meterlo en el papel.

Gimme your shit Quantic Dream!


Konami draft was unveiled internally at Konami ...
No video, no pictures in game and no clear title: I did say accurate, the headline had a vague title will tell us which syllables will make you smile ..
It was an internal presentation powerpoint ... banal, no brackets (), and statements: (apparently there was a single image of soft but not representing a phase of play)

What emerges priori since I am quoting a source tell us ... :

  • Both projects are operated by two games but being strongly linked.
  • Kojima finds his dippy ideas of Boktai example .. the man has many ideas .. really.
  • One of the heroes of the game is very well known and ... death.
  • The project is really surprising .. .. and very exciting.
  • Technically the team has been very helpful and we will not encounter any problems with MGS4 (including loading abusive). The game takes the statements after a candle to productions by Naughty Dog and Santa Monica.
  • The soundtrack is not signed by the author's usual although he will attend .. always the theme.

They will see the trailer in mid-May.[/i]

Supuestamente habla de las nuevas mierdas de Kojima. Leyendo entre lineas y basándonos en lo que sabemos diría que es algún tipo de Peace Walker 2.0 que funciona comunicándose PS3<>NGP.


Uno de los héroes es conocido y está muerto :/


Me llama la atención que usen a Boktai como ejemplo. Era un juego bastante novedoso y demasiado exigente para ser de GBA. A ver con qué nos sale :X


tíos tíos




2 1 respuesta

Pero eso no era el correo del dia de los inocentes?

1 respuesta

#78 Esperemos que no, pajaro de mal agüero.

1 respuesta

Lo que me estoy riendo con los comentarios en Meristation sobre la noticia xDDD

#79 Newfag :X



Ya decia yo que me sonaba ese mail.


Me cago en nacho.



"At GDC, we heard reference to Nintendo's "Project Butterfly", the intended succesor to the Wii. No specs were given, though the hardware is designed to be physically upgraded over time. As it was explained to us, by plugging in new parts it 'becomes' a new machine. It will be marketed as the antidote to Apple's yearly redesigns. One machine, for life."

Volvemos a los 90.

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#77 Me parto la polla. PUTO AG haciendole a las demás webs....


#83 Algo al estilo de la 32X?


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#85 No te vayas tan lejos

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#86 Quizás un add-on que permitiera a Wii reproducir juegos HD sería la solución para ir tirando hasta la próxima generación. Ahora mismo la consola parece muerta si vemos los futuros lanzamientos.

Pero vamos, por muchas cosas que le añadan tendrán que sacar una nueva consola si de verdad quieren vender frente a la ps4/xboxwhatever.


¿Y que nintendo pierda la oportunidad de sacar otra maquina y volver a vender tropecientas copias? Lo dudo, el dinero está en crear una nueva consola y que todos los clientes vuelvan a caer, en todo caso puede que sean más periféricos y mierdas raras pero esta vez para Wii, algo así como Kinect en Xbox les ha abierto un nuevo mercado.

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#88 Pueden vender las piezas a 150 euros la unidad xd


NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo :(

La conferencia de Sony será el 7 de junio a las 2:00AM hora española

Jack Tretton + conferencia de madrugada : (((((((((((((((((((

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