La idea de Sony y de su genial Home podría ser copiada por MS quien lo tendría listo para el próximo año 2008.
According to reports, Microsoft E&D GM Daniel Schiappa has hinted that a PlayStation Home-like virtual world will be coming to Xbox 360 within the next year.
According to Team Xbox, the Entertainment and Devices boss turned up on stage at the Virtual Worlds Conference And Expo in San Jose and stated: " next year, you'll probably know more about why I'm up here." Oo-eer.
Speaking to CVG earlier this year, fellow Microsoft suit Chris Satchell said that Sony's Home incorporated a lot of ideas that Xbox 360 originated, perhaps suggesting that its own MMO-style virtual world wouldn't be too much of a departure.
"I think they've definitely taken some concepts that we originated like achievements, but I think they're pushing in a different direction and we've sort of fundamentally got two different approaches going on here," he said.
"It's a cool world but it's like a little game by itself. Our approach is the other way around; it's that games are the center and that's the star of the show, that's what people buy the console for."