HoN: Noticias HoN Test Server


Dios mio por fin arreglan el hook del devourer en fog

1 comentario moderado

#599 El juego le tienes siempre, lo único que cambia al no haberlo comprado en la closed beta es no tener el escudito y el taunt, por el resto es igual que cualquier otra pre-compra.


y el taunt en un futuro se podra comprar, asi q al final solo nos queda el escudito... y a ver si eso XD


#601 la verdad es que quedaba un poco cutre si xD

ademas, lo veias hacer la cosa esa rara y nadie sabia en que direccion iba, yo lo que hacia, mas que moverme para algun lado era decir "ojala que no venga para mi" jaja


Se han caido todos los servers, me caguen dios -.-


parche 0.2.62 pre-beta

[spoiler]Version 0.2.62


  • Added a new keybinding (you need to bind it). When held down and a move order is given, activates "direct pathing" which ignores all other units and cliffs until the hero collides with something.
  • Tweaked the Legion building death effect
  • Lobby now has sounds for actions (kick, join etc)
  • Increase the max spectator slots to 10
  • Double Tap returns
  • Fixed the "Show Winner" button on the match stats screen to correctly display and announce the team who won.
  • Alternate Pick DC Fix (Needs testing)
  • Fixed the sound bug where muting someone might not always work
  • fix sound driver list sometimes showing the current driver incorrectly
  • only restart sound system if it is indeed necessary
  • fix sound system/voicemanager interactions that were causing crashes upon sound system restart.
  • fix a couple places where linux system class was using incorrect character conversions
  • restrict most actions while the game is paused
  • added console command "precacheworld <mapname>". So for example type "precacheworld caldavar" to precache its resources.



  • Can now target all heroes (allied and enemy). Can no longer target Kongor.

Nomes Wisdom

  • +6 damage Added

Geometer's Bane

  • Fixed blocking the hero's position when he activated it until the illusions die
  • Fixed geometer's bane spawn radius. Oops.



  • Tweaked/Added death effects
  • Tweaked the effects of the ult significantly
  • Fixed name in some places
  • Added a voice
  • New first ability, Regurgitation:
  • Balphagore spews blood, fire, and bone in a cone in front of him, dealing damage over time and snaring enemies caught in its wake (by 20%). Spawns a corpse every 0.5 seconds. Lasts 3 seconds
  • Renamed Corpse Reanimation to Corpse Conversion
  • Corpse Conversion now heals Balphagore for 10/15/20/25 hp everytime he consumes a corpse
  • Corpse Conversion now requires three charges to spawn a minion (down from four), max charges set to 6/9/12/16
  • Minions from Corpse Conversion now apply a 1/2/3/4% movement slow snare per attack. Stacks up to 6 times.
  • Hell on Newerth Rebalanced:
  • Stage 1 of Hell on Newerth can now be cast with 0 charges. 100/150/200 mana cost, 35 second cool down, deals 200/300/400 damage in a 600 AoE around him
  • Reworked charge-gain on Hell on Newerth to be 1 charge for every 0.5% mana spent. Stage 2 of Hell on Newerth requires 40 charges (80% of an enemy mana bar), stage 3 requires 80 (160% of a mana bar). Maximum of 100 charges (down from 120)


  • Tar Toss will no longer apply its slow to Magic Immune units
  • Sawblade's staff of the master upgrade no longer provides a static 70% movement speed slow. Instead, units who walk into the saw blades will have a 4 second snare applied to them that starts at 90% and quickly reduces in strength over the duration.


  • Gripping from fog should now be visually correct


  • Slice renamed Cull
  • Fixed Scythe Stance illusions not being unselectable


  • Updated Ice Imprisonment tooltip to explain that it lasts 10 seconds when casted on creeps

Keeper of the Forest

  • Updated ult effect


  • Added charge sounds


  • Updated recommended items


  • Command will no longer give the bonus HP to couriers she has bought or to heroes in weird situations

Pollywog Priest

  • Cooldown of Wards changed from 110/95/80 to 100
  • Tonguing from fog should now be correct as well

Puppet Master

  • Fixed both the ult and puppet strings so that if the hero targetted goes invis or into the fog, the effect does not wig out


  • Added a voice

Voodoo Jester

  • Cask now bounces for 2/4/6/8 times, instead of the incorrect 2/4/5/8 times.


  • Wild will no longer apply to his courier


  • Correctly credit him for damage that his ult does [/spoiler]

menos mal lo del chipper, hasta los huevos de tener el shrunken y q no me valiera pa evitar su snare


Por fin ponen alguna voz nueva mas :D


lo del stormspirit no ha sido siempre asi? xD


#610 Nop, solo para enemigos y el propietario.


esas cosas dan más juego al game xD, me gusta el cambio del stormspirit... se podra ayudar a evitar stun a tus aliados xD


Según dicen en el Facebook, van a sacar dos héroes proximamente, uno es el Balphagor y el otro es el héroe ganador del concurso "Strength Hero Contest" aunque no se sabe nada de él... sale en una screen junto a Balphagor.


parche 0.2.63 pre-beta

[spoiler=]Version 0.2.63

  • Fixed the hyper annoying pathing bugs with getting stuck on cliff edges

  • Replays now begin recording during the picking phase

  • Direct pathing now works with all commands

  • This means that if you hold down the keybind for Direct Pathing (which is now bindable) and cast a spell, the hero will run in a direct line ignoring units and cliffs to try to get into range. Useful for casting off the edge of cliffs.

  • Fixed lobby showing rating with extra decimal places

  • Removed cvar browser_maxPing as it was not being used

  • Fixed the "Share All" courier button to reset its state at the start of every game

  • Invisible Mode will now remember its state the next time the game re-loads

  • Players in "Invisible Mode" will no longer auto join default HoN or Clan channels when leaving a game, allowing them to properly remain in a hidden state

  • Fixed a bug that occured when spectators used the "Disable Fog of War" or "Lock Camera" options would see those settings carry over into the the next game they joined or played

  • Fixed Double Tap stringtable entry

  • Added "Hardcore Mode" advanced game option

  • ALL items are dropped on death

  • Items which are dropped on death cannot be picked up by couriers, sold, or killed on the ground


  • Tweaked and cleaned up effects
  • Tweaked tooltips (They are getting there)
  • Fixed a bug causing him to gain 1 charge for every 0.3% mana spent instead of 1 charge for every 0.5% mana spent
  • Fixed a bug causing his exploding minions (from hell on newerth) to damage himself and his allies
  • Minions on the ult no longer give gold or experience when killed


  • Sawblade Showdown won't slow couriers anymore


  • Fixed a bug causing ult to trigger Nullstone twice (causing the cool down to decrease too much)

Witch Slayer

  • Fixed a bug causing ult to trigger Nullstone twice (causing the cool down to decrease too much) [/spoiler]

juas y siguen sin nerfear el ulti del chipper, por mi mejor ^^


El hardcore mode va a estar super chulo.


Dios el hardcore mode me mola mucho xD


que bien le han puesto el nombre al modo... QUE HARDCORE LO DE PERDER LOS ITEMS NO?! XD


Siempre puedes ir a pedirle por favor que te los devuelva xDDD

PD: Me veo mil chest de items en la fuente del enemigo por ejemplo si te mata 5 veces y pierdes las botas (como no las puede vender, en algun lugar las tendra que dejar xD)


se sobreentiende (al menos yo) q las puedes usar tu, y si no digo yo q no dejaran dropearlas una vez cogidas


Si pero para que quieres 5 botas? ;)


obviamente coges lo que te interesa y lo que te mejora


Si, pero tampoco lo vas a dejar ahi para que el lo recupere.. o eso o le campeas xD


es la idea del hardcore XD asi le meten un pco mas de variedad al juego. xq amos, haces genocide y se acabó la partida... y eso ya no es hardcore, es ridiculo


aqui no hay dm o wtf no ?

me acuerdo de mi primera partida de dota en battlenet, me meti en una partida que ponia DM WTF - cuando palmas naces con otro heroe instantaneamente, las habilidades no tienen cooldown y no gastan mana - yo no sabia nada de eso, por cosas del destino me toco un zeus - thunderbringer -

sobrevivi hasta nivel 6 no se como, porque venian a por mi como locos, nada mas subir a nivel 6 me meti en la fuente y a spamear la tecla del ultimate, mate a los 5 tres veces seguidas, no se cuanto dinero hice en 10 segundos, tenia por ahi la screen, se salieron despues de palmar tantas veces, no podian salir de la fuente a menos que tuvieran un omniknight - jeraziah -; la primera partida en bnet y es epica xD


parche 0.2.64 pre-beta

[spoiler]Version 0.2.64


  • Changed how people are matched together to generate better games
  • People now have to pick an initial setting to use Matchmaking based on their skill


  • You can now drop an item into an inventory spot with a building under it

  • Clicking on the clock in the system bar now toggles between 12 hour and 24 hour display

  • Toned down the corpse blood a lot

  • Fixed spectators at 1920x1080 resolution

  • "Item Drop" advanced game option now drops all items on death.

  • Items dropped on death cannot be picked up by couriers, sold, or killed on the ground.

  • Items dropped on death can be picked up and used by anyone

  • Hardcore mode is now just the following:

  • Creep denies result in 0 exp for the enemy team.

  • A tower deny results in 0 gold for the enemy team.

  • No passive gold/sec gain.

  • Fixed shop so the lightning items are not in the attack modifiers shop

  • Fixed some tooltips for items in the shop


  • Can now be sold for 500 gold


  • Can no longer be sold


  • Updated description
  • Tweaked effects and sounds more to make them more accurate
  • Violatile Minions are now killed when their attack-target dies
  • He now yells "Feed the Darkness" when he hits 70 charges
  • He now yells "Hell on Newerth" when he uses his level 3 ult


  • Fixed some issues with multicast and Frenzy


  • Voice added. Nuts.


  • Voice added
  • Updated description
  • Fixed the DoT on Reflection to properly lower healing, not increase it


  • Voice added

Plague Rider

  • Voice added


  • Tweak leap distance from 630,690,780,840 to 630,720,780,870

Witch Slayer

  • Mana drain now correctly displays through the fog [/spoiler]

Mas vocs mas voces!! :D

PD: Ese es parche beta o prebeta?



  • Tweak leap distance from 630,690,780,840 to 630,720,780,870

y siguen sin tocar la flecha, que en mi opinion da bastante asco, se sigue escuchando y yo juraria que va mas lenta que la del dota, te la esquivan hasta sin querer


Definitivamente el chipper necesita un nerf muchisimo mas basto en su ultimate con staff.

Se salta la shrunken, tiene 30 segundos de cooldown, y vas a la lentitud de las tortugas reumaticas...

Como perder una partida SOLO por el chipper vol.1



esque ,la flecha de la valk se esquiva facilisimo . Tiene un hit box muy grande que faci,lmente das a un creep sinquerer y el rango es menor que en dota creo yo y es lentisimo. La esquivas como quieres.