#30 Es lo que tiene que sea una saga de fantasía medieval.
#31 Es lo que tiene que sea una saga de " pon lo que quieras aquí".
Fuck logic evolutiva de los videojuegos. Que vamos me parece bien que la conserven, (la esencia) pero no quita que.. zZZzZz
menos mal que no piensan como vosotros y cambian a dinosaurios en el espacio, esto es muy bueno dar gracias mientras exista esta saga.
Una saga de fantasía medieval mantiene los puntos claves con los que se creó: gameplay, story telling, ambientación y diseño de niveles.
Manteniendo esto a cada entrega se ha ido añadiendo una capa más de profunidad y personalización dada por los añadidos en el gameplay (como el dual wield o las martials arts de dks3), ¿qué más queréis? xD
Hombre, yo creo que llegará un momento en el que tendrán que abandonar esta época. A mi la fantasía medieval me chifla y que le den muy por culo a la época futurista y el Sci-Fi. Pero no da para más a nivel de ambientación: Reyes, leyendas, mitos y dioses.
Con Bloodborne han demostrado que pueden hacer otro tipo de producto con una calidad altísima. Pero tras Dark Souls 3 veremos qué replantean.
#37 No sé mucho sobre el tema porque intento no informarme y jugarlo cuando salga sin saber nada pero... ¿martial arts o weapon arts?
#40 weapon* Creo que se ha equivocado xD
No estaría mal que los futuros juegos de from o la proxima saga tenga un combate similar al de bloodborne, aunque tenga una temática distinta.
Pues a mi me llamaria mucho la atencion ver algo futurista de este estilo. Por hacer un cambio brusco aver que sale.
Entre toda la mierda que tiene From Software en su historial, seguro que un juego de mechas hay
y el juego de ninjas ese que, eh?
esta contra el puto eula hablar de lo que veamos en el stress test pero aqui soltare todo lo que piense que merezca la pena comentar, tengo mucha fe en esta entrega
¿Crees que sabes jugar a Dark Souls III? No sabes jugar a Dark Souls III. Namco Bandai nos ofrece en su página web un tutorial de cómo se juega al modo online:
Playing the game while online will introduce the following gameplay elements:
Other players will be shown in the game world as phantoms
You cannot interact with phantoms, and they cannot interact with you
Use other phantoms as a guide to what may happen next in-game
Blood Stains
Examine a blood stain left behind in a spot where another player died, and you'll view a replay of that player's death
Like with phantoms, you can use this as a guide to what may happen next
The messages you can write in the main menu will be sent to other players
You'll also receive messages written by other players in your world
Messages can be rated
If other players rate your messages, you'll regain a little HP
Soul Signs
Use a White Sign Soapstone to cast a soul sign, and that sign will be sent to other players' worlds
If you're summoned from the sign, you'll be transported to the summoner's world
Soul signs can be cast by anyone, whether living or undead, but you must have the power of the Lord of Cinder to summon other players
TIP: Soul signs are not visible
If you have cast a soul sign, you won't be able to view other player's soul signs
Co-op play
Use a White Sign Soapstone, and you'll be able to play co-op with up to four players
The summoning player is called the "host", and the summoned players are called the "clients"
Starting Co-op
1 - The clients use a White Sign Soapstone to cast a soul sign
2 - The host examines the soul sign and summons the client
3 - The host and client play together in the host's world
Success Conditions
If the host defeats the area's boss, the clients will receive rewards and return to their own worlds
Failure Conditions
If the clients or host die or any return items are used, the client will return to their own world
TIP: Cannot Become Host
You cannot become a host if you've already defeated the boss of the current area
TIP: Voice Chat
If you've turned voice chat on in the network options, you can chat between the host and the client
Competitive Play
Use a Red Eye Orb, and you'll be able to invade other players' worlds and play against them competitively
The invaded player is called the "host", and the invading player is called the "client"
Starting Competitive Play
1 - The client uses a Red Eye Orb
2 - The client automatically invades the world of the selected host
3 - The host and client play against each other in the host's world
Success Conditions
If the host is defeated, the client will receive rewards and return to their own world
Failure Conditions
If the client dies, the host enters a boss room, or any return items are used, the client will return to their own world
TIP: Cannot Invadet
If the world you want to invade is in a multiplayer state (at least one co-op player), you cannot invade that world
TIP: Invading
Up to two people can invade a world at once
Invaders treat each other as enemies and can attack and damage each other
Lord of Cinder
In order to summon other players, you must use an Ember to obtain the power of the Lord of Cinder
Using an Ember allows you to become a multiplayer host
When in Lord of Cinder mode, your character's appearance will change, and you'll have the following effects until you die:
a - Maximum HP boosted 1.4x
b - Able to summon other players via soul sign
c - Icons next to gauges change
TIP: If Summoned by Other Players
If you're summoned by another player while in Lord of Cinder mode, your maximum HP will go back to normal
#38 Igual si hicieran uno de sci-fi le sabrían dar una vuelta de tuerca como se la supieron dar a la fantasía medieval en dark souls y sale algo interesante, yo tendría ganas de probarlo. Un juego ambientado en el espacio pero sin idas de olla tipo espadas láser ni escudos antipollas... igual lo partían.
TIP: Voice Chat
If you've turned voice chat on in the network options, you can chat between the host and the client
p-pero, es de voz o no hostias
#58 que parte de voice chat te confunde, voice o chat?
Parece bastante claro xDD
(o estabas siendo sarcástico, mierda ahora se como se siente sheldon)