Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad #HO


Cual es vuestro mapa favorito en el Ro2/RS?

Yo Bridges tambien no lo aguanto mucho, joder te tiras como 1 hora ahi.


a mi me gustaba un tal fallenfighters 1942 o algo asi, pero casi no se ve en ningun server


llevo años intentando buscar gente para jugar a esto... pero nada.


A mi me encantaba, por su dificultad, el de la plaza de Univermag, pero en los servers de 40-1 lo han quitado.

Era dificil pero satisfactorio, no como bridges, que es simplemente sida.


Aunque no me ha tocado ninguna key para la beta del rising storm 2 ( mierda de vida) he de decir que la actuación de esta empresa es implecable en cuanto a la forma de pulir su juego.

Ojala todas las empresas fuesen asi.

1 respuesta

#2795 Pues el desarrollo del RO2 fue un desastre, con promesas y mas promesas que no se cumplieron hasta muchos años despues, y en buena parte presionados por el hecho de que los fans estaban haciendo mejores mapas que ellos.

De hecho originalmente el RS iba a ser un mod y se estuvo desarrollando así hasta que Tripware les compró la idea y la terminaron de lanzar ellos, de pago.

Y ojo, me gustan sus juegos pero en RO2 pincharon terriblemente con su sistema de desbloqueos infame.


Últimamente estoy jugando bastante al RO2, en los servidores 40-1. Si a alguien le apetece jugar que me avise

1 respuesta

#2797 suelo estar por ahi, pero al final me termino cansando de bridged y miskoya, como casi cualquier server..

1 respuesta

#2798 Mi nombre dentro del juego es Dorian. Si me ves dime algo

1 respuesta

La semana pasada me volví lo volví a instalar después de mucho tiempo y vaya gozada volver a oír a la mg42 mientras te fundes a 6 rusos de una ráfaga :D . Creía que tenía menos actividad de lo que pensaba pero los servidores del 40-1 siempre están petados y es misión imposible entrar algunas veces.

#2799 Te tengo en Steam y no tenía ni idea.Esta noche puede que juegue por si alguno necesita pareja de baile

1 1 respuesta

Maldita sea! Me están entrando ganas de reinstalar...


#2800 El truquito para entrar en los 40-1 es esperar a cambio de mapa, que es cuando la gente se frustra por haber perdido por enesima vez en Bridges.

2 respuestas

#2802 bridges? que mapa es ese? es nuevo? no veo que lo jueguen...


1 respuesta



#2802 Ayer me salí cuando por segunda vez tocó bridges of camping. Una vez me parece bien pero dos ya te daña la salud mental xd. En sus orígenes me gustaba pero lo han quemado tanto que lo aborrezco cosa mala.

Voy a descubrir cuantas veces sale el mapa en 1h :cry:

1 mes después

Pues seré el raro pero el Bridges ahora es de los que más me gustan, (supongo que de tantas veces que juegas acabas encontrando buenos sitios para esconderte) :P

El que menos me gusta es el de Madmadeyev o algo así, :mad: el de las trincheras y socavones en medio del hielo.

Si hay gente que juega que avise para MP, que no me aclaro con el inglés y ruso :palm:

1 respuesta

#2806 Hace unas semanas me pegué un buen vicio con un amigo pero ahora entre una cosa y otra ni lo he tocado y mira que lo tengo instalado. La última vez que jugué salió Red October Factory y casi lloro porque para mi gusto uno de los mejores que tiene el juego pero nunca sale :(.

A mi Mamayev no me parece mal mapa pero si es cierto que si todo el equipo se empeña en atacar el primer sector por el túnel de la derecha o para atacar el búnker la gente no se ponga de acuerdo, es una muerte a pellizcos xD.

26 días después

Despues de los dos dias de estar Free to Play, se me hace raro que no se haya reactivado con fuerza este hilo.
Yo sigo jugandolo con la misma fuerza que el primer dia que lo jugue :D


Juegazo, si queréis formar una patrulla ya sabeis

edit: Hilo equivocado, esto iba en el Vietnam

1 año después

Estoy tentando comprar este juego,como lo veis? Hay muchos jugadores?

2 meses después

acaban de sacar la 1.2

me daba error al lanzar el juego, poniendolo en ingles se ha solucionado, parece ser algun bug con el anticheat en otro idioma que no sea ingles

1 respuesta

#2811 alguna información? La verdad que es un juegazo.

1 respuesta

un breve resumen

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - 1.2 Patch Notes

The major focus of update 1.2 is the rollout of optimization and visual improvements to Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. Players will notice increased performance across the board, based on targeted community feedback and extensive internal review.As always, the development teams are eager to hear your feedback.

    Reduced the number of character draw calls created by wearing any type of Glasses cosmetic
Particle Effects
    Significantly reduced the hitching caused by having many Smoke Grenades spawned in the world
    Optimized shell eject effects to no longer use PhysX fluid emitters as this was causing hitches due to a legacy version of PhysX. Shell ejects now use a normal mesh emitter
    Optimized muzzle flash effects to have less draw calls and overdraw when firing weapons
    Reduced number of draw calls and overdraw added to the scene by gameplay related effects like impacts, explosions, etc
    Reduced overdraw of level placed effects like smoke, dust, etc
    Reduced number of particles using collision calculations
    Level Optimizations
    Updated all maps with the following:
        Turned off dynamic shadows being casted on small or thin objects
        Cull distance pass; setting the draw distances of meshes so that they are not rendered when not visible to the player
        Turned off decals, rice paddy meshes and some facade meshes when using ‘Low World Detail’ setting
        Refinements to cull distance settings - fixing distances that were too short and making culling more aggressive for other objects
    Adjusted Terrain Component sizes on some levels that either had this value set too high or too low
    Increased threshold for static meshes to be considered for ‘Instanced Rendering’ on some maps to reduce draw calls to a more reasonable number
Instanced Rendering
    Instanced Static Meshes now properly respects cull distances set in the Editor
    Instanced Static Meshes now properly respects settings for turning off receiving dynamic shadows
World Objects
    Fixed a trench mesh using perpoly collision
    Fixed a log error related to a dynamic actor that had no collision
    Reduced vertex shader complexity on small foliage objects like ivy and rice paddies
Texture Optimizations
    Added option to use a Pool Size for texture accollocation, this can be found in the Video Settings menu under Advanced Settings
    Fixed several instances of large uncompressed textures
    Corrected several instances of textures using the incorrect Texture Group
    Reduced the overall number of mipmaps being used and constantly being streamed from the HDD

Updated Texture Sharpness
Applied a sharpen filter on almost all textures to counteract the effects of compression, allowing textures to retain their original detail. The result of this is a cleaner appearance to the game, with increased detail and improved vertex painting across textures and buildings.

New LODs
Several art elements in the game were displaying LODs with far higher poly-counts than necessary at distance. These included both weapons and vehicles. Here is a full list of art with new LODs:

Browning Hi-Power
M1 Carbine
M1 Garand
M1-D Sniper
M2 Carbine
Makarov PM
Owen Gun
XM21 Suppressed Variant
Spawn Tunnel
Bird Dog
Canberra Bomber
F4 Phantom
AC-47 Spooky
Various particle effects

Campaign End Cinematics
After we released the Multiplayer Campaign update, players requested suitable cinematic sequences for the end of a Campaign. You spoke, we listened, we agreed - so here they are. Thank you for your patience, we hope you like them!

Remastered Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm Maps
This update marks the release of two ‘remasters’ of fan-favourite Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm maps, taking them from their original settings and into the war-torn jungles of Vietnam:

Mekong (remastered from "Hanto") - the NLF, fighting their way through the jungle to a US Marine Corps base.

Dong Ha (remastered from "Guadalcanal") - a night-time assault by the NLF, through the jungle, against the outskirts of an airbase defended by the US Army.

Since the CTB we have rebalanced both of the new maps. Dong Ha’s round timer has been extended and more tickets have been added to both sides. Mekong has had its cooldown for the Commander Ability reduced as well as more tickets added to both sides.

We have also fixed a number of bugs on both maps:

Dong Ha

Fixed an issue on VNTE Dong Ha where the spawn locations for Objective C and Objective D were missing artillery spawn protection
Fixed an issue on VNTE Dong Ha where the objective outlines on the overhead maps did not match their capture areas


Fixed an issue on VNTE Mekong where players could spawn underground on Objective D
Fixed an issue on VNTE Mekong where an out of bounds area west of Objective C was not blocked off
Fixed an issue on VNTE Mekong where players could fall through a hole in the map to the south east of Objective B
Fixed an issue on VNTE Mekong where the objective outlines on the overhead maps did not match their capture areas
Fixed an issue on VNTE Mekong where players could fall through a hole in the map to the north west of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Mekong where players could become stuck on a pile of rocks to the south west of Objective D

As always, thank you for your feedback on these issues and enjoy the new maps!

New Weapons
Designed by the Germans during the Second World War this fully automatic submachine gun can fire up to 550 round per minute. Tens of thousands of these short range weapons were put in the hands of the NLF during the Vietnam War, sourced from Soviet stockpiles.

RPD - 200 Round Belt Variant
PAVN players will see a new ammunition variant for the RPD machine gunners with this update. The new 200 round belt holds 100 more rounds than the drum and can be optionally changed in the Role Select out screen.

Deployable DShK

Available at any ammo resupply point, the North have a new weapon to add to their arsenal - a deployable version of the (previously static) DSHK .50 caliber machine gun. Simply pick up the tripod, find a quiet patch of Jungle and set up to become a portable anti-air emplacement.

These guns can be destroyed by explosives, however, so staying in one place for too long is bound to get you blown up, giving the Southern forces a counter to this devastating new weapon.

Fougasse Mine
A brand new trap for the NLF Sapper, the Fougasse Mine is an improvised explosive device planted under the ground and activated by a pressure plate. It leaves a cloud of toxic vapour behind, making it a great tool for area denial.

M2 Browning

New to Southern defense maps is the M2 Browning, a .50 caliber heavy machine gun. This can be found on the two remastered maps, and on the final objective of A Sau.

Other Major Changes

Six New Heads

For a little more variety, we are providing you with 3 new heads for the North Vietnamese, plus 3 for the US Army and Marine Corps. The 3 US heads represent the diverse ethnicity of the US forces of the period, with one being Hispanic, one Native American, and one Asian.

Audio Occlusion
With 1.2 we have added ‘audio occlusion’ to RS2, ensuring that gunshots and other in-game sounds are appropriately affected by their environment. This does not apply to all sounds in the game, but will affect any sound loud enough to be heard through walls, and be muffled/occluded by obstacles such as buildings or terrain.

If you have any feedback on these audio changes please let us know by following this link https://forums.tripwireinteractive.c...ietnam-general

Easy Anti-Cheat Update

Updated to the latest Easy Anti-Cheat SDK for RS2: Vietnam

Bug Fixes


Fixed an issue where the Quick Match function would search for campaign servers even if the campaign option was not selected
Fixed an issue where when a player waited in a full server queue and then left and rejoined the same server they would get kicked to the main menu with no explanatory message
Fixed an issue where the server browser would not filter out campaign when looking for other modes
Fixed an issue where players would sometimes only see Squads Alpha and Bravo on the Squad menu and be unable to select another Squad. During this issue players would see the incorrect team on the role select menu
Fixed an issue where claymore mines could not be placed on high surfaces such as sandbags
Fixed an issue where the M79 would consume primary ammo even if the player had a secondary ammo selected
Fixed an issue where switching between primary and secondary weapons would cause a momentary hitch
Fixed an issue where players picking up dropped weapons would not immediately switch to the weapon they had picked up
Fixed an issue where players were able to melee attack each other on helicopter airfields by reloading
Fixed an issue where planting a single stake in a tripwire trap would result in the single stake exploding when stepped upon
Fixed an issue where players who were in deep water occasionally had their weapons automatically lowered
Fixed an issue where spectators would see a Win or Loss screen before the team swap
Fixed an issue where log spam would occur when a player was dismembered by an explosion


Fixed an issue where the client would crash after winning a match during the campaign
Fixed an issue where the client would crash during campaign whilst a player was changing teams
Fixed an issue where the client would crash whilst voting for a map during the campaign
Fixed an issue with the campaign timeline where the final round would display the loser rather than the winner
Fixed an issue where Server Admins were able to change the length of the campaign in the middle of the game
Fixed an issue with VNTE Resort where server admins could add the map to the campaign rotation which could result in the North attacking without helicopters. This fix means that the Northern factions can no longer be placed on attack on VNTE Resort
Fixed an issue with campaign where if the Southern faction activated ‘Search & Destroy’ and then lost the battle, the After Action Report would state that the defenders held the region
Fixed an issue where if a player starting a new server set the Campaign Game to True in ROGame, the server would not automatically launch into Campaign mode and the player would have to restart the campaign in WebAdmin
Fixed a variety of instances where campaign text was not localized
Fixed an issue where players were not able to back out of the campaign pause menu by pressing the ESC key
Fixed an issue where the German localization on the campaign ‘Need Help’ menu clipped into the UI
Fixed an issue where if a WebAdmin installed the Green Man Army mod for campaign then the ‘Region Maps’ drop down menu would show both ‘Territories’ and ‘Supremacy’ twice

Art & Animation

Fixed an issue where the 20 round first person M16 reloading and melee attack animation appeared to have a 30 round magazine
Fixed an issue where the first person animation would bounce and wobble during moments of poor performance
Fixed an issue where players colliding with very steep angles would briefly play the falling state animation
Fixed an issue where the MaxDrawDistance on Static Meshes were ignored by Instanced Static Meshes
Fixed an issue where bAcceptsDynamicDominantLightShadows did not propagate to Instanced Static Meshes
Fixed an issue with the IZH Shotgun Animation where it did not show shells when reloading
Fixed an issue with all weapon animations where pressing the reload key and the fast equip keys in quick succession caused the weapon to disappear from the player’s hands
Fixed an issue where player’s proning on hills would occasionally dip beneath the terrain and then, when reloading, would drop lower and expose the underneath of the map
Fixed an issue where Physx Shell eject emitters were causing hitches when they were first spawned
Fixed an issue where the writing on wooden crates throughout the game would blur from a short distance whilst the wooden texture underneath remained crisp
Fixed an issue where the texture on the North Vietnamese radio would blur at too short a range
Fixed an issue where explosives and traps were not showing the correct texture upon areas where they had detonated
Fixed an issue where the burnt clothing texture was extremely low resolution
Fixed an issue where trap preview meshes were not disappearing after players switched weapons
Fixed an issue where the third person claymore planting animation did not show a clacker
Fixed an issue where the DSHK would be highlighted when in use by another player
Fixed an issue where if a player planted a claymore and then died they would be unable to switch to the clacker after spawning without first laying another claymore
Fixed an issue with the Type 56 AK where if a player died whilst the bayonet was unfolded, upon respawn the bayonet would not be visible in first person but would be visible in third person, the player would also be able to perform melee attacks as though the bayonet was unfolded
Fixed an issue where if a player was bipodded on a machine gun while prone, then crawled forward, when they stopped moving the weapon would snap into ironsights
Fixed an issue with the first person M79 animation where if a player switched to the buckshot animation they still appeared to reload the standard shell
Fixed an issue where the DSHK was not showing the bullet impact texture in first person
Fixed an issue where the first player camera would clip into the terrain when bandaging while prone on a slope
Fixed an issue with the first person pistol animation where there would be a flicker when moving from ironsighting to mantling
Fixed an issue where if a player was sprinting and then threw C4 the clacker would be raised but the sprint animation would not continue, instead the player would stand still
Fixed an issue where the third person prone mattock attack animation would incorrectly play the third person prone rifle attack animation
Fixed an issue with the M1918A2 BAR third person animation where the weapon would clip with the character’s body whilst reloading and leaning
Fixed an issue with the M1918A2 BAR third person animation where the weapon would clip with the head whilst prone and leaning


Fixed an issue across a number of our maps where Squad Tunnels were destroyed when an Objective was captured
Fixed an issue across a number of our maps where a widely used grass asset appeared with low resolution
Fixed an issue where the pillbox asset used on a variety of maps appeared at a very low resolution

AnLao Valley

Fixed an issue on VNTE AnLao Valley where players could get caught on terrain outside of Objective B


Fixed an issue on VNTE Border Watch where, after capturing Objectives C and D, Objective F would not become active
Fixed an issue on VNTE Border Watch where players could become snagged on some rocks on Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Border Watch where the ambient wind sound effect would duplicate and play over each other at the same time

Firebase Georgina

Fixed an issue on VNTE Firebase Georgina where the overheap map appeared discoloured and of poor quality
Fixed an issue on VNTE Firebase Georgina where fired bullets were leaving marks on the water on Objective A

Highway 14

Fixed and issue on VNTE Highway 14 where various interiors were very dark
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where there were tears in the road texture to the south of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where there was an invisible wall outside of Objective G that blocked players from a vantage point over Objective J
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where one of the helicopter landing zones was partially out of bounds
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where plants were growing out of a packed dirt road south of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where a dip in the water south of Objective A dragged the player away from the land
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where a wooden floor asset was not being lit in the correct way across the map
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where the poles on a bamboo ladder asset did not have collision
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where player fails to mantle over a white car found south of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Highway 14 where plants were levitating to the south east of Objective G

Hill 937

Fixed an issue on VNTE Hill 937 where part of a tunnel on Objective C had a blacked out texture
Fixed an issue on VNTE Hill 937 where a tree was floating at the US Spawn site

Hue City

Fixed an issue on VNTE Hue City where Objective C building culled out when viewed from the east
Fixed an issue on VNTE Hue City near Objectives A and B where players could jump into an out of bounds area and subsequently become stuck
Fixed an issue on VNTE and VNSU Hue City where various trees did not have collision
Fixed an issue on VNTE Hue City where the reverb volume extended beyond the roof of a building on Objective E
Fixed an issue on VNTE Hue City where a blocking volume on Objective A made it difficult for players to climb up and down a ladder
Fixed an issue on VNTE Hue City where a part of the terrain on Objective C was shadowed incorrectly

Long Tan

Fixed an issue on VNTE Long Tan where log spam pertaining to FX_VN_RAIN_MOONSOONAL would occur when connecting to the map

Ninh Phu

Fixed an issue on VNTE Ninh Phy where a sandbag roof bunker on Objective A was not casting a shadow

Operation Forrest

Fixed an issue on VNSU Operation Forrest where parts of the terrain were overhanging in the rice paddies south of Objective F
Fixed an issue on VNSU Operation Forrest where players could jump on the water to the south of Objective F
Fixed an issue on VNSU and VNTE Operation Forrest where players were able to mount on top of a fern to the north of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNSU Operation Forrest where a water bank to the south east of the map would cause players to bounce when stepped on
Fixed an issue on VNTE Operation Forrest where a tiled floor texture had permeated outside of the building to the south west of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNSU and VNTE Operation Forrest where areas of the map did not contain wind direction for smoke grenades
Fixed an issue on VNTE and VNSU Operation Forrest where a banana tree was floating above the ground to the west of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Operation Forrest where player could get snagged on a wooden bridge outside of Objective B
Fixed an issue on VNSU and VNTE Operation Forrest where the correct collision was not applied to a rock at Objective AA and players were able to get inside the asset

Quang Tri

Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where players were able to mantle into an out of bounds area on Objective E
Fixed an issue on VNSU Quang Tri where players were unable to walk through an opening in a wall without performing a mantle to the south of Objective E
Fixed and issue on VNSU Quang Tri where interior lighting was behaving incorrectly inside a house on the south side of the map
Fixed an issue on VNTE and VNSU Quang Tri where a sandbag was obstructing players from entering and exiting a building near Objective C
Fixed an issue on VNSU and VNTE Quang Tri where players could become snagged on the ceiling of a wine cellar to the south of Objective C
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where a fence was floating to the north of Objective E
Fixed an issue on VNSU Quang Tri where players were forced to lower their weapons too early when entering a tunnel near the riverbank near Objective E
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri to the south of Objective A where it was difficult to jump due to the blocking volumes on a supporting post
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where there was a floating garage to the north west of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where a piece of grass terrain was floating to the north of Objective B
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where the rear of the church on Objective A was missing a crossbeam
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where a background bush was placed incorrectly resulting in the asset appearing to be 2D to the north east of Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where some grass assets were duplicated to the south west of Objective C
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where a bush outside of Objective D was able to be mantled upon and resulted in the fall animation playing when attempted
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where occasionally a player would not correctly mantle over a door on Objective A
Fixed an issue on VNTE Quang Tri where the first person character was erroneously illuminated in a dark cellar to the south of Objective C


Fixed an issue on VNTE Resort where inside the lighthouse, lighting was behaving incorrectly
Fixed an issue on VNTE Resort where log spam would occur when the ocean applied damage to a player or vehicle

Song Be

Fixed an issue where VNTE SongBe would not appear on the final region of campaign
Fixed an issue on VNTE Song Be where the HUD and overhead map icon for Objective E erroneously displayed the Supremacy homebase icon
Fixed an issue on VNSU Song Be where an incorrectly placed blocking volume in a tunnel on Objective A meant players had to go prone to move forwards
Fixed an issue on VNSU and VNTE Song Be where a roof on Objective G did not have correct collision resulting in players falling through (


Fixed an issue where the new heads added to United States Faction erroneously had African American voice overs
Fixed an issue where players shooting whilst leaning around a corner would have their shooting audio muffled even when there was a straight line between them and the enemy
Fixed an issue where the automatic fire audio would remain muffled to a long distance listener even when the shooter came out of cover


Fixed an issue where the Radioman’s HUD would show an inaccurate location for the Commander when a new Commander hadn't been deployed
Fixed an issue with the 4K HUD where text for Commander’s initiating a napalm strike would clip into itself
Fixed an issue where the displayed owner of a rally marker could be inaccurate to certain roles
Fixed an issue where “2xp” event indicator did not appear on the main menu
Fixed an issue where the helicopter resupply point did not appear on the HUD compass
Fixed an issue where the commander chat and serverads text chat both appeared with a white font


Fixed a webadmin issue where the Steam Workshop Tool did not display map names within the WebAdmin UI and instead showed an error message


Fixed an issue reported by our community where a server was repeatedly crashing
Fixed an issue with the Turkish localisation where the character “ı” was not being rendered
Fixed an issue where modders could alter stock packages in an exploitable way. Thanks to modder ‘nymets1104’ for catching this
Fixed an issue where modders were reporting that AKEvents would automatically play and could not be stopped until actors were deleted from the scene. Thanks to ‘Fester’ for his detailed bug report
Fixed an issue with Steam Rich Presence where if a player joined a server and remained on the team select screen without picking a team then periods would be displayed on their friends list until a team and role was chosen
Fixed an issue with the Korean localization where the spectator controls listed on the HUD would clip into each

As always, thank you for your continued support! We are continuing to work hard on Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, and would not be able to provide fixes like these without your feedback.

Antimatter Games & Tripwire Interactive


Pensaba que habían metido un update al RO2 y estaba flipando... Es aquí

1 respuesta

#2814 Yo me he quedado igual.

1 año después

Le estoy dando otra vez después de años sin jugar y me ha sorprendido ver servidores llenos sea la hora que sea, después de tantos años. Unos 300 jugadores permanentemente.

Alguien sigue viciando a esto por aquí or not really?

3 respuestas

#2816 Nunca he jugado aunque he oido solo cosas buenas. Merece la pena darle un try?

1 respuesta

#2817 Dale caña, merece la pena. Espera realismo y jugar con la cabeza en lugar de rushear a lo loco.


#2816 Casi lloro al ver el hilo en favs, menudas viciadas me pegaba con la tensión de ganar la campaña xd. Hace por lo menos 2-3 años que no lo toco pero los servers del 40-1 y similares estaban llenos en ese momento.

El RS2 está gratis en la epic y las veces que he jugado en findes gratis me ha molado pero soy un negado del aire xd. Ambos bandos están equilibrados a su forma

1 1 respuesta

#2819 Yo también casi lloro al ver 5 o 6 servidores de 64 jugadores llenos xd

El RS2 lo tengo pero ni lo he probado, me da toda la pereza. No se sabe nada si harán un RO3? Fue el juego que catapultó a Tripwire

2 respuestas