Ronda de análisis de Knack II


El plataformas que nadie pedía vuelve a PlayStation 4 con críticas ligeramente mejores que en la primera entrega:


Medios nacionales

Vandal - 7.2 / 10.0

Knack 2 es un título que mejora en todo a su predecesor, y aunque obviamente sigue siendo un juego discreto y sencillo, dirigido a un público joven, es mucho más disfrutable que el original. Nosotros lo recomendamos en cooperativo para aprovechar todo lo que tiene que ofrecer (además de que es mucho más divertido así), y sólo lo recomendaríamos en solitario si os gusta mucho el género.

Meristation - 7.5 / 10.0

A pesar de todo ello, de que con las horas uno se dará cuenta de que sigue siendo algo simple y repetitivo, es una experiencia agradable, perfectamente disfrutable. Un juego de segunda línea que dará una simpática sorpresa a más de uno. Un título para todos los públicos mucho menos presuntuoso, más humilde y centrado, que sabe exprimir sus virtudes y al menos demuestra hacer el intento de limar carencias.

3DJuegos - 7.0 / 10.0

Knack 2 es un buen juego, pero también es un título del que muy poco se acordarán en cosa de uno o dos años. No tenemos problemas en que este lanzamiento de Sony Japan Studio no tenga intención de ofrecer nada nuevo, no podemos pedirle al género que se reinvente año tras año, sin embargo no consigue ofrecer nada memorable ni tan siquiera partiendo de una premisa tan prometedora, y contando con un mundo de fantasía en el que sus responsables podían haber dictado las normas que hubieran deseado. Pese a ello, y con ánimo de acabar en el tono optimista que la mejoría de la secuela merece, valoro muy positivamente el progreso que ha llevado a cabo y los esfuerzos logrados a la hora de lograr un cooperativo que acaba siendo su mejor baza.

Medios iternacionales

Arcade Sushi - 7 / 10.0

Knack II calls back to the action platformers of Sony's early days, and though it doesn't do anything remarkable or new, it's a simple and enjoyable escape.

Attack of the Fanboy - 4 / 5 stars

While the original game was more of a showcase of what the PS4 was capable of, Knack 2 is a more thoughtful, well-rounded experience.

Cerealkillerz - German - 6.9 / 10.0

Knack 2 learns nothing from the mistakes of the first game and offers little to nothing besides some online/couch-coop what plattformer-fans or newcomers could actually enjoy. Because of the monotonous leveldesign and unimaginative story, players just get some enjoyment out of the fact, that you can play the game with some friends.

CGMagazine - 6 / 10.0

Knack 2 isn't the game of the year we have been waiting for, instead it's just more Knack. Who asked for this?

COGconnected - 85 / 100

If Knack's track record has you worried, I'll say this; Mark Cerny and company heard the complaints, and this is their response.

Destructoid - 5.5 / 10.0

Knack II has the bones of a good platformer and a hint of charm but it just doesn't execute. I'm not sure what the Knack series attempted to accomplish, but after a sequel, it stands as one of the most missable franchises Sony has ever crafted. Maybe one day Sony can combine both of these together on the PS5 as a free PS Plus item and call it the "Knack Pack." That one's free.

Digital Trends - 3 / 5 stars

Knack 2 silences naysayers with innovative puzzle-platforming, even if its combat can't keep up.

Eurogamer - No Recommendation

Improvements abound, but Knack's adventures still suffer from a lack of charm.

Gadgets 360 - 7 / 10

While Knack 2 is an improvement over the original Knack, it doesn't do anything wildly different either. Rather, it's a textbook example of listening to user feedback and giving fans what they want. It might not be as ambitious as some of the bigger releases of the season, but there's just about enough for fans of the platforming genre to indulge in.

Gameblog - French - 4 / 10

Of course, Knack 2 adds a few things compared to the first one. But it really lacks fun, visuals that feel PS4, and even humor to touch its target.

GamePro - German - 78 / 100

A successor made to measure. Knack 2 clearly outshines the first part thanks to several improvements.

GamesBeat - 80 / 100

In the absence of an epic tale, a torrent of doodads to collect, or some time-devouring crafting system—all the fixtures big business gaming says you need to survive today—Knack 2 just works.

GamesRadar+ - 3 / 5 stars

An experience that feels thin and repetitive in spite of its length and new additions, Knack 2 feels like a palette cleanser rather than a main course.

God is a Geek - 8.5 / 10.0

If you're looking for a great platformer to play on your own or with friends, this is the one for you. It's fun and it looks gorgeous, filled with combat that provides lots of options to defeat the goblins and the robots.

IGN - 7.2 / 10.0

Knack 2 is lacking in a number of areas, but its strengths outweigh its weaknesses. The pacing is spot-on, the combat satisfying and the gameplay varied. Co-op is genuinely good fun too, and most definitely the best way for younger gamers to get into the action. Knack 2 is definitely a step up from the original, then, but until the writing and characterisation improve drastically, it's not going to be a true first party titan.

IGN Italy - Italian - 6.8 / 10.0

A good family platform that, thanks to its budget price and a bit of kindness from the user, can succeed to close the games' eye looking to the many flaws.

New Game Network - 70 / 100

Knack 2 offers a decently enjoyable campaign, with expanded combat options and streamlined gameplay mechanics. It's a fairly typical and accessible modern action/adventure with no big highs or lows, as it makes some improvements over its predecessor. And for some fans, that may just be enough to return for another adventure.

PlayStation LifeStyle - 8.5 / 10.0

Knack 2 is an improvement on the first game in every way possible. Mark Cerny and his team have proven that they can take criticism, iterate on it, and then give players even more for their money than was expected.

PlayStation Universe - 8 / 10.0

Leaving its predecessors legacy far behind, Knack has seriously grown up and become the platformer we deserved all along.

Polygon - 7.5 / 10.0

Knack 2 is an entertaining platform game like those of yesteryear. It's been created with due care and attention. Sure, it's old fashioned, and its story is appalling. But it's a reminder that the character-led platform combat game is still alive and well. Despite its good looks, it's more a work of engineering than it is a work of art. But, as my kid said to me after we'd mashed our way through a co-op level, it's kinda fun.

Press Start - 8 / 10

The original Knack had gamers hoping for so much, but failed to deliver. Thankfully, the little guy from launch has been fleshed out in Knack 2. The game is full of improvements and is a much more enjoyable experience (especially in co-op). It's well worth checking out for platforming fans.

PS Site - Polish - 9 / 10.0

This time Mark Cerny has done it. The rule "bigger, better, more effective" puts Knack 2 a few levels above its predecesor, and the low price makes the smaller problems unimportant.

Push Square - 8 / 10

Who would have thought it? Knack 2 is a genuinely great game. The huge breadth of combat options on offer make for a far better experience than anything the initial outing could ever offer, and with a much bigger focus on platforming, the title can start to lay claim to the promises of a Crash Bandicoot successor. Even if you were completely turned off by the original adventure, make sure you give Knack 2 a fair shot because what you find may pleasantly surprise you.

Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 7 / 10

An enjoyable experience and a big improvement over the first with decent content and optional co-op make this a great choice. Some technical issues and a lack of character mar an otherwise great experience.

Spaziogames - Italian - 7.5 / 10.0

Knack 2 is funny, entertaining and represents a good mix between platform, action and puzzle. It's too bad that it is monotonous and too easy, even at the hardest difficulty.

Stevivor - 7 / 10.0

Despite its shine, Knack 2 is bland — a well-polished bit of blandness, mind you — but one you could easily skip over.

TheSixthAxis - 8 / 10

Knack 2 is a bright and breezy action romp that keeps up its breathless pace throughout its runtime. Its well-trodden gameplay beats are far from revolutionary, but it is undoubtedly accomplished, and redeems much of what the first game managed to somehow get so wrong. A surprise and a somewhat guilty delight.

TrustedReviews - 3.5 / 5 stars

Knack 2 is a pleasant surprise that improves upon the majority of its predecessor's faults. It still lacks in genuine creativity and new ideas, but Japan Studio has crafted a confident platformer that acts as a whimsical spark in the PS4's exclusive catalogue.

Twinfinite - 4 / 5.0

The thing that surprised me most about Knack 2 was how the experience got better as I kept going. The first few missions can be slow, but once the story and combat got their hooks in I found myself having a blast with the game.

VGN - Italian - 7.6 / 10.0

Knack 2 is the “next chapter” that everyone was waiting for, just to give the right value to the IP that Mark Cerny originally imagined. Knack 2 offers an adventurous and complete story that shines if played in coop mode.

VideoGamer - 5 / 10

Knack 2 doesn't have exactly the same problems as Knack, it's just moved things into different places and ended up mostly the same. Which is at least emblematic of Knack himself, I suppose.


Hay disparidad, eso es bueno.


El primero me gustó mucho. Muy infravalorado en mi opinión.


Vaya hostia de notas, ami no me parece tan malo a simple vista :S

1 respuesta

La demo me pareció entretenida. Pero vamos, que este juego si fuese de una franquicia de renombre, tendría una media mucho más alta.


El problema del juego es que ni lo ha hecho nintendo ni ha salido para sus consolas y allí es dónde el target está.


No sé, a mí me parece que estamos otra vez ante una mediocridad, y me da pena, porque esperaba que mejorara enormemente lo presente.


Los que le dan un 9 u 8 casi no se nota por qué xD


Pues a mi el primero me gusto bastante, a pesar de sus defectos, lo jugué en dificil y me resulto un reto bastante agradable, y quieras que no lo acabe disfrutando.


A 0€ estaba ayer en la store de Australia

1 respuesta

#10 si no nadie lo jugaría :psyduck:


#4 "Vaya hostia de notas"

El problema es que estáis acostumbrados a que le pongan 9's y 10's a cualquier juego de mierda. Un 7 es la nota de un buen juego, las notas de 9 y 10 deberían ser para obras maestras y ahora parece que lo normal es que todos los juegos tengan como mínimo un 8-9.

No sé para qué quieren un sistema de puntuación del 1 al 10 si no se usa. Parece que ahora un 7 es mala nota xD

1 1 respuesta

#12 por desgracia si, viendo los juegos que se llevan +8 y acaban siendo basura, cuando un juego recibe un 7 espero lo peor


Bueno, para ser gratis no me voy a quejar tampoco


Joder, no parece tan malo a simple vista, solo es un juego pa críos


Los de 7 suelen ser hidden gems de aquí unos años, no deis por muerto a Knack, el tru goty, acabará renaciendo y tendremos más y más.

1 respuesta

lo estoy jugando con la novia y estamos enganchadisimos xd


#16 Dentro de 20 años cuando anuncien el remaster o el knack 3, sera considerado una obra maestra. Mira nightmare creatures...

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