Bueno, no es por joder... pero a lo mejor no lo tienen el Lunes:
En amarillo aparecen los comentarios del Admin, básicamente dicen que tienen que testear el sistema de savegames, y que el tweet ese está un poco desfasado. Puede que esté hoy, pero a lo mejor lo retrasan un poquito.
Actually that tweet is a few days old and I think Rho is jumping the gun a bit there. The changes have mostly been finished and need a bit of cleaning up and testing.
The save file stuff is what keeping this update from going out, it simply wasn't finished, and right now we need to test, we might be in early access but rolling a buggy version out to 1000000+ installations is something we try to avoid. On the point of cycles, we have a set of features we want for a cycle, we give a hopelessly optimistic estimate, then we go make it, go over by a factor of something like 50..400% ish, deliver and then go into a new cycle.
By announcing the final wipe patch we couldn't put out an intermediary patch without it.