No preguntéis por los horarios, resultados, etc, por favor, todos están en #1
Si no me equivoco, es el primer torneo que consigue jugarse Rengar sin el nerf, me parece una cagada xD, si no dejaron jugarlo en las finales mundiales fue porque se iba a nerfear, es que buf xD.
#2469 en la proxima partida veras a Rengar baneado y veras la misma paliza, el nivel de Najin es de otro planeta
Noticia fresca: She also has great zoning potential with plants and a long-range auto. Zyra is too strong in mid or support right now. " Se huele el nerf
#2478 Es que si Riot sigue su lógica con los supports se lo merece, según ellos un support no puede ser ap, por lo tanto un ap no debería poder ser support.
I agree on Lulu. She needs a buff.
Soraka is OK for heal/poke or defensive comps, and Janna's getting good play again.
A Blaze le han cogido por los huevos.. me explico , le han quitado todo lo que Jack sabe usar.. me extraña que no use a Sivir
The problem with Zyra is there's few tradeoffs to why you would or would not pick her. She offers a moderate amount of a lot of other supports, and that then makes them unable to shine.
She was never the ideal balance, but very optimal in her design. The -way- she supports is how I think supports in League should function (ie high impact and not mega sustain).
No, support players hate me for the reasons I stated above. Zyra's my favorite champion to play bottom right now, and it's pretty easy to see she's really strong. Her mid's OK, but her basic mix of burst/zone/CC/sustained damage is just too much at once.
Huele a nerf gordo