Madre mia, con lo de los summoners ahora entiendo que hayan añadido una fila mas al tablero, se va a petar de gente eso.
Lo que vamos a gozar mañana en el PBE
Renekton swings his blade, dealing 150/275/400 points. physical damage to nearby enemies and restoring 150/250/350 health on every hit.
Adrenaline rush: Dr. Mundo creates a toxic cloud around him for 8 seconds, which deals 40/110/160 + 1.25% of his maximum health to all nearby enemies every second and heals him by 100/150/200% of this value.
Inborn skill: Berserkers jump to the nearest enemy. The berserkers have the chance to patch up units in front of them and deal 100% frontal area damage to them. 3 40% chance 6 80% chance.
Umbral blades: Passive – every third hit of Nocturnes is strengthened and inflicts damage on all nearby enemies, and also restores his health in the amount of 75/100/125% of the inflicted damage.
New Traits/Origins:
Warden (2/4/6) 100%/250%/400% Armor
Light ?
Shadow ?
Inferno (3/6/9) Burns the ground for 5 seconds and inflicts percentage of damage from spells (80%/150%/250%)
Alchemist (1? or Innate?) Ignore unit collision and never stop running.
Mage (3/6) 50%/100% to double cast spells
Ocean (2/4/6) All allies gain additional mana every 3 seconds, 10/25/40 mana.
Desert (2/4) 50%/90% to pen armor
Predator (3) Any damage a predator deals to an enemy below 25% hp will execute them for an instant kill.
Poison (3) Champions add a neurotoxin when they cause harm. This increases the mana cost of the target by 50%.
Summoner (3/6) More HP + Lasting units
Electric (2/3/4) Electric champions shock nearby enemies when they deal or receive critical hits, 60/200/500 damage
Crystal ?
Forest (3) At start of round, a random Forest champion clones themselves
Machine (2/3/4) When HP falls below 50% gain invincibility for 2s/3s/4s
Berserker: Innate: Berserkers leap towards closest enemy (3/6) 40%/80% to cleave and deal 100% AoE frontal damage
Mystic ?
Wind ?
Mountain (2) At the start of combat, one random ally receives a Stone Shield with 1500 HP
Remaining Traits/Origins:
Assassin (3/6) Adjusted numbers by the looks of it
New Champions/Returning Champions:
Renekton (1 Cost) Desert/Berserker
Zyra (1 Cost) Inferno/Summoner
Vladimir (1 Cost) Ocean/Mage
Ivern (1 Cost) Forest/Druid
Warwick (1 Cost) Glacial/Predator
Kog'Maw (1 Cost) Poison/Predator
Nasus (1 Cost) Light/Warden
Maokai (1 Cost) Forest/Druid
Taliyah (1 Cost) Mountain/Mage
LeBlanc (2 Cost) Forest/Mage/Assassin
Braum (2 Cost) Glacial/Warden
Diana (2 Cost) Inferno/Assassin
Syndra (2 Cost) Ocean/Mage
Rek'Sai (2 Cost) Machine/Predator
Thresh (2 Cost) Ocean/Warden
Jax (2 Cost) Light/Berserker
Dr. Mundo (3 Cost) Poison/Berserker
Nocturne (3 Cost) Machine/Assassin
Kindred (3 Cost) Shadow/Inferno/Ranger
Veigar (3 Cost) Shadow/Mage
Aatrox (3 Cost) Light/Blademaster
Azir (3 Cost) Desert/Summoner
Nautilus (3 Cost) Ocean/Warden
Ezreal (3 Cost) Glacial/Ranger
Ornn (3 Cost) Electric/Warden
Kha'Zix (4 Cost) Desert/Assassin
Twitch (4 Cost) Poison/Ranger
Annie (4 Cost) Inferno/Summoner
Janna (4 Cost) Wind/Mystic
Malphite (4 Cost) Mountain/Warden
Zed (5 Cost) Electric/Assassin
Singed (5 Cost) Poison/Alchemist
Taric (5 Cost) Crystal/Warden
Nami (5 Cost) Ocean/Mystic
New Items:
Warden's Mail (Armor + Spatula) Wearer is also a Warden
¿No os da pereza leer tanto? Buff.. Tengo ganas de jugarlo, pero estoy cansado y me moriré si tengo que leer eso...
Si el plan es sacar 3-4 packs de tft enteros, y después en la versión final ir rotando clases dentro de cada temporada, genial.
Si cada 3 meses va a cambiar el juego entero, casi que me da demasiada pereza seguir
Dejo el hilo completo con todos los cambios anunciados en español, falta meter la mecánica de los hexágonos elementales.
Riot haciendo la de Aurelio con Ivern, metiendolo en el TFT para que alguien se acuerde de su existencia
He visto a lux por reddit legendaria de coste 7. Tambien se han visto las cartas de sion skarner
Su habilidad es la R del Lol y hace 600/900/1200 dmg y si mata a alguien recupera 50 mana. Tambien tiene diferentes formas elementales y sus origenes cambian con cada forma. La forma de magna es infierno, la de agua oceano...etc
#54 Es la idea en teoria dijeron que harian eso.
La verdad me parece una decision de puta madre, tener que aprender a jugar cada x tiempo, lo mantiene fresco.