GW2: gw2.exe me tira


Hola llevo varios dias con que me tira gw2.exe

Este es el informe que me da el error:

--> Crash <--
Exception: c0000005

Memory at address 00000000 could not be read
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2600
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 15518
When: 2012-09-15T19:30:01Z 2012-09-15T12:30:01-07:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:19:09
Flags: 0

--> System <--
Name: XXXX
IpAddr: XXXX
Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)

--> System Memory <--
Physical: 1543MB/ 4000MB 38%
Paged: 787MB/ 3998MB 19%
Virtual: 1902MB/ 4095MB 46%
Load: 61%
CommitTotal: 3210MB
CommitLimit: 3998MB
CommitPeak: 3225MB
SystemCache: 1544MB
HandleCount: 12232
ProcessCount: 37
ThreadCount: 458

--> Process Memory <--
Private: 1832MB
WorkingSet: 357MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1254MB
PageFaults: 3210304

--> Game Context <--
MapId: 96
Flags: 0x241
ElapsedTime: 00:16:21

--> World State <--
<WorldState BufferCapacity="56793088" BufferUsed="40016046" DrawCalls="585" Fps="30" EffectLights="0" ImageMemory="3502760" Lights="34" Materials="197" OcclusionQueriesOccluded="0" OcclusionQueriesStalled="0" OcclusionQueriesUnoccluded="0" Particles="1831" Submodels="584" TextureLoadsPending="0" TextureMemory="448119791" Triangles="220004" VerticesSoftwareTransformed="0" VideoMemoryTotal="83344464" CameraPos="2721.4, 18801.2, -6279.49" CameraFwd="0.96655, 0.0602939, 0.249291" MapName="wZY+N.RiRio" MapNamespace="J2rRq" MapSector="IJwR+.PcCC1" MapType="WvwBlueHome" MapFloor="3" MapId="96" PlayerFacing="0.9655, 0.0602477, 0.253336" PlayerPos="2979.14, 18817.2, -6160.52" PlayerVelocity="0, 0, -0" />

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]

--> Thread 0x354 <--

--> Trace <--
Pc:00539403 Fr:0d14fb44 Rt:0047ec00 Arg:0040f030 0047eb29 00000000 0d14fbe4
Pc:0047ec00 Fr:0d14fb6c Rt:005406d2 Arg:00000000 0d14fb94 00540b02 0d14fbe4
Pc:005406d2 Fr:0d14fb78 Rt:00540b02 Arg:0d14fbe4 201971f4 1e9c5050 201970a0
Pc:00540b02 Fr:0d14fb94 Rt:00a988f2 Arg:00000000 00001bcd 1e9c505c 00001bcc
Pc:00a988f2 Fr:0d14fbc0 Rt:00a98b15 Arg:1e9c5050 0000002f 0d14fbe4 00000000
Pc:00a98b15 Fr:0d14fbfc Rt:00a8a416 Arg:00000002 00000000 00000000 201970a0
Pc:00a8a416 Fr:0d14fc7c Rt:0044a8d1 Arg:0d14fce8 1f8e2a1c 1d64e710 1f8e28c8
Pc:0044a8d1 Fr:0d14fc98 Rt:00a988f2 Arg:00000000 000007f3 1d64e71c 00000871
Pc:00a988f2 Fr:0d14fcc4 Rt:00a98b15 Arg:1d64e710 0000002f 0d14fce8 00000000
Pc:00a98b15 Fr:0d14fd00 Rt:00a8a416 Arg:00000002 00000000 00000000 1f8e28c8
Pc:00a8a416 Fr:0d14fd38 Rt:0044a768 Arg:3d0d2821 1f8e2a1c 1d64e710 1d64e71c
Pc:0044a768 Fr:0d14fd54 Rt:00a988f2 Arg:00000000 0000003f 1f8e2a1c 00000871
Pc:00a988f2 Fr:0d14fd80 Rt:00a98974 Arg:1d64e710 0000003f 0d14fdfc 00000000
Pc:00a98974 Fr:0d14fda4 Rt:00a98eb5 Arg:0000003f 0d14fdfc 00000000 128466d0
Pc:00a98eb5 Fr:0d14fdd8 Rt:00a98f78 Arg:0d14fdfc 00000000 00000021 0000003f
Pc:00a98f78 Fr:0d14fdf0 Rt:00a88e55 Arg:00000000 3d0d2821 3d0d2821 3d072b02
Pc:00a88e55 Fr:0d14fe08 Rt:00414014 Arg:3d0d2821 3d0d2821 3d072b02 13bdc24c
Pc:00414014 Fr:0d14fe34 Rt:0041752f Arg:3d0d2821 00a86baf 1284adb8 1284a990
Pc:0041752f Fr:0d14fe7c Rt:00a82f6d Arg:1284a990 1284a9e4 13bdc240 00000008
Pc:00a82f6d Fr:0d14feec Rt:00a832c9 Arg:771c9727 00000001 0024da16 037b5530
Pc:00a832c9 Fr:0d14ff24 Rt:00a8339f Arg:00000000 12852d70 00648c8f 00000000
Pc:00a8339f Fr:0d14ff44 Rt:0089b2cd Arg:12852d70 771c977f 00000000 037b5530
Pc:0089b2cd Fr:0d14ff7c Rt:0089b375 Arg:00000000 0d14ff94 7625339a 037b5530
Pc:0089b375 Fr:0d14ff88 Rt:7625339a Arg:037b5530 0d14ffd4 779e9ef2 037b5530
Pc:7625339a Fr:0d14ff94 Rt:779e9ef2 Arg:037b5530 7aac91a6 00000000 00000000
Pc:779e9ef2 Fr:0d14ffd4 Rt:779e9ec5 Arg:0089b2f3 037b5530 00000000 00000000
Pc:779e9ec5 Fr:0d14ffec Rt:00000000 Arg:0089b2f3 037b5530 00000000 00000000

--> Thread registers <--
eax=00000000 ebx=015b0cc4 ecx=00000000 edx=7ce50996 esi=1f62ecec edi=1dc98164
eip=00539403 esp=0d14fb30 ebp=0d14fb44
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010246

ebx-32 015B0CA4 1789f2bc 178a054c 00000005 00000000
ebx-16 015B0CB4 00000000 00000000 00000040 00000001
ebx +0 015B0CC4 00000005 1fe84c90 1f62ece0 1f62eec0
ebx+16 015B0CD4 1f62ec70 000000a8 00000003 1789ff1c
ebx+32 015B0CE4 00000002 08a009b0 00000005 00000000
ebx+48 015B0CF4 00000000 00000000 00000040 00000000
edx-32 7CE50974 f44fdc87 314541c7 d59735f7 a0e2358e
edx-16 7CE50984 d2c86a5a 39855a48 57d5b53f 23903f8e
edx +0 7CE50994 bce775cd 31655a68 df3eaef8 38db357b
edx+16 7CE509A4 360d12a9 398562a9 5f5f525f 41cb185b
edx+32 7CE509B4 bad72453 29453186 60c07060 db681c62
edx+48 7CE509C4 92a3f4f0 29453186 22ebfd5d 58e2183f
esi-32 1F62ECCC 1f62ec8c 1f62ecf8 1c7eb460 1f62ece0
esi-16 1F62ECDC 1fe84ccc 1e671130 00000000 1f62ecd4
esi +0 1F62ECEC 00000000 1efab558 1efab54c 00000000
esi+16 1F62ECFC 1f62ecc8 1efab558 1f1b1324 1f62ed64
esi+32 1F62ED0C 1f62ed10 1eb9d484 1f62ed58 1f62edac
esi+48 1F62ED1C 1eb6a7e4 1f62ed94 1f62ee84 1ec518a4
edi-32 1DC98144 1bf9db00 00000070 1dc980f8 01232a94
edi-16 1DC98154 0000160b 00000000 01235ef8 01235e80
edi +0 1DC98164 01235e50 01235f3c 01235e4c 1f3e7f90
edi+16 1DC98174 1e815700 00000003 3e99999a 00000000
edi+32 1DC98184 00000000 00000000 3e99999a 00000000
edi+48 1DC98194 00000000 00000000 3e4ccccd 3f800000

--> Code <--
005393E3 50045e6a 00ffd2c3 cccccccc cc8b49f0 P.j..........I.
005393F3 ba030000 00e86301 550085c0 750c33c9 ......c.U...u.3.
00539403 8b018b50 046a01ff d2c3568b c8e86bec ...P.j....V...k.
00539413 54008bf0 85f67514 684f0300 00ba70dc T.....u.hO....p.
00539423 1e01b96c dc1e01e8 c1551100 8bce8b01 ...l.....U......
00539433 8b50045e 6a01ffd2 c3cccccc cc836114 .P.j.........a.

--> Stack <--
0D14FB30 00467cfb 00000000 015b0a40 0d14fbe4 .|F.....@.[.....
0D14FB40 1f62ecf8 0d14fb6c 0047ec00 0040f030 ..b.l.....G.0.@.
0D14FB50 0047eb29 00000000 0d14fbe4 015b0a40 ).G.........@.[.
0D14FB60 0047e7d6 201971f4 0d14fba8 0d14fb78 ..G..q. ....x...
0D14FB70 005406d2 00000000 0d14fb94 00540b02 ..T...........T.
0D14FB80 0d14fbe4 201971f4 1e9c5050 201970a0 .....q. PP...p.
0D14FB90 0d14fba8 0d14fbc0 00a988f2 00000000 ................
0D14FBA0 00001bcd 1e9c505c 00001bcc 0000002f ....\P....../...
0D14FBB0 1e9c5054 00000030 80000000 00000000 TP..0...........
0D14FBC0 0d14fbfc 00a98b15 1e9c5050 0000002f ........PP../...
0D14FBD0 0d14fbe4 00000000 20889710 00000001 ........... ....
0D14FBE0 00001bcd 00001bcd 00000000 00000002 ................
0D14FBF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 0d14fc7c ............|...
0D14FC00 00a8a416 00000002 00000000 00000000 ................
0D14FC10 201970a0 201970f4 00001bcc 00a8a43a .p. .p. ....:...
0D14FC20 1efd6954 1efd69a8 0000160b 00a8a43a Ti...i......:...
0D14FC30 1ef3a490 1ef3a4e4 000007f3 00a8a43a ............:...
0D14FC40 1f8e28c8 1f8e291c 00000871 00a8a43a .(...)..q...:...
0D14FC50 1e11f930 0d14fce8 0d14fce8 004499cf 0.............D.
0D14FC60 1f8e2a1c 0d14fcac 00640808 1b4a9d68 .........d.h.J.
0D14FC70 0d14fc88 0d14fce8 0d14fcac 0d14fc98 ................
0D14FC80 0044a8d1 0d14fce8 1f8e2a1c 1d64e710 ..D......
0D14FC90 1f8e28c8 0d14fcac 0d14fcc4 00a988f2 .(..............
0D14FCA0 00000000 000007f3 1d64e71c 00000871 ..........d.q...
0D14FCB0 0000002f 1d64e714 00000904 80000000 /.....d.........
0D14FCC0 00000000 0d14fd00 00a98b15 1d64e710 ..............d.
0D14FCD0 0000002f 0d14fce8 00000000 1ef3a490 /...............
0D14FCE0 00000001 000007f3 000007f3 00000001 ................
0D14FCF0 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0D14FD00 0d14fd38 00a8a416 00000002 00000000 8...............
0D14FD10 00000000 1f8e28c8 1f8e291c 00000871 .....(...)..q...
0D14FD20 00a8a43a 1f8e2a1c 1e11f930 0d14fdfc :......0.......
0D14FD30 0044540e 0d14fd68 0d14fd54 0044a768 .TD.h...T...h.D.
0D14FD40 3d0d2821 1f8e2a1c 1d64e710 1d64e71c !(.=.
0D14FD50 0d14fd68 0d14fd80 00a988f2 00000000 h...............
0D14FD60 0000003f 1f8e2a1c 00000871 0000003f ?......q...?...
0D14FD70 1d64e714 00000904 80000000 00000000 ..d.............
0D14FD80 0d14fda4 00a98974 1d64e710 0000003f ....t.....d.?...
0D14FD90 0d14fdfc 00000000 00000000 13c6c0b8 ................
0D14FDA0 1d987e70 0d14fdd8 00a98eb5 0000003f p..........?...
0D14FDB0 0d14fdfc 00000000 128466d0 0d14fdfc .........f......
0D14FDC0 00000021 00000008 1d2ae658 1ce13d70 !.......X.
0D14FDD0 00000005 13c6c0a0 0d14fdf0 00a98f78 ............x...
0D14FDE0 0d14fdfc 00000000 00000021 0000003f ........!...?...
0D14FDF0 0d14fe08 00a88e55 00000000 3d0d2821 ....U.......!(.=
0D14FE00 3d0d2821 3d072b02 0d14fe34 00414014 !(.=.+.=4....@A.
0D14FE10 3d0d2821 3d0d2821 3d072b02 13bdc24c !(.=!(.=.+.=L...
0D14FE20 0d14fe70 0000000c 3d0d2821 3d072b02 p.......!(.=.+.=
0D14FE30 3d072b02 0d14fe7c 0041752f 3d0d2821 .+.=|.../uA.!(.=
0D14FE40 00a86baf 1284adb8 1284a990 1284a9c4 .k..............
0D14FE50 00000002 00000002 00000008 0d14fe78 ............x...
0D14FE60 1284adb8 00000001 1284a990 1284acb4 ................
0D14FE70 13bdc24c 1284a9dd 00000000 0d14feec L...............
0D14FE80 00a82f6d 1284a990 1284a9e4 13bdc240 m/..........@...
0D14FE90 00000008 0d14fec0 1284adb8 00000001 ................
0D14FEA0 0024da16 037b5530 00000000 76d331e7 ..$.0U{......1.v
0D14FEB0 776c58c1 00000001 42a32ef4 00000001 .Xlw.......B....
0D14FEC0 00000021 00000000 00000000 00000001 !...............
0D14FED0 037b5530 0024da16 00000001 7372270c 0U{...$......'rs
0D14FEE0 ad3e19e2 00000002 771c96ef 0d14ff24 ..>........w$...
0D14FEF0 00a832c9 771c9727 00000001 0024da16 .2..'..w......$.
0D14FF00 037b5530 fffffffe c0000005 0d14fef4 0U{.............
0D14FF10 0d14f578 0d14ff6c 0089b430 7b5b35bb x...l...0....5[{
0D14FF20 00000000 0d14ff44 00a8339f 00000000 ....D....3......

--> Error Logs <--
odel '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00e734' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't link child '0x00e734' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00e734' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't link child '0x00e802' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00e854' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00e802' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't link child '0x00df62' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model '0x016178': Can't link child '0x00dfa4' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model '0x016178': Can't link child '0x00ce57' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00ce57' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00dfa4' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't link child '0x00cddb' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00df62' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00cddb' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't link child '0x00e24a' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00e2c7' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x016178': Can't unlink child '0x00e24a' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name.
Model '0x007209': Can't unlink child '0x00df5a' from parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name.

--> DirectX Device Info <--
VendorId = 0x10de
DeviceId = 0x0df7
Version = 9.18.0013.0602
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M
Compat = 0x00100800
VidMem = 2722 MB

Que puede ser :S ?


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1 respuesta

#3 has encontrado una solucion ? he mirado el thread pero aparte de lo de crear el acceso directo y tla no veo que nada funcione

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