Las milicias de Gaza lanzan un ataque sorpresa contra Israel


Como es posible que a día de hoy la ONU no considere a Hamás como organización terrorista, y sus líderes no estén en busca y captura. Alguien me lo explica?

Cada vez tengo más claro que es una organización corrupta. Lo de que tengan túneles en los almacenes de la ONU ya es la repera.

Para quien quiera estar al dia de lo que esta pasando en Gaza, lejos de la propaganda informativa, el sensacionalismo y el free palestina

Curioso que como medida para evitar la entrada del ejercito Israeli, los de Hamás amenazaban con volar el muro que hace de frontera con Egipto y utilizar a la poblacion civil como medida de presion en un exodo masivo.


La ONU es un meme con patas. Por eso cada vez que alguien la trae como argumento de autoridad lo único que se le puede responde es un equis de.

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#25053 en la de niños.


#25053 Yo ahí veo a 7 mujeres muertas, 4 niños y 2 médicos, un genocidio total de 13 civiles por parte de los sionistas.


Aquí, lo que algunos comentamos, un análisis de Netanyahu, hecho por alguien tan poco sospechoso como el periódico israelí Haaretz (está escrito justo después del 7-O):

How depressing and upsetting it is today to recall Benjamin Netanyahu’s arrogance under interrogation about Case 2000, one of the three corruption cases against the prime minister. “This is classified, don’t let it leak, okay?” he said, flattering the police investigators with the magic lure of security secrets. And then he explained his doctrine regarding Hamas and Hezbollah.

“We have neighbors,” he said, “who are our bitter enemies ... I send them messages all the time ... these days, right now ... I mislead them, destabilize them, mock them, and them hit them over the head.” The suspect then continued his lecture: “It’s impossible to reach an agreement with them ... Everyone knows this, but we control the height of the flames.”

This arrogant worldview, so disconnected from reality, isn’t the only thing that blew up in Netanyahu’s face, and ours, on Saturday morning. The other “concept” that collapsed was one many good people warned about: the idea that the leadership of the state could be entrusted to a criminal defendant.

History will judge everyone who lent a hand to this moral distortion – first and foremost the defendant himself and his fanatic supporters, party colleagues, and partners in the governing coalition, but also the media personalities and jurists who mobilized to kosher this

It will also presumably cast an unflattering light on the 11 Supreme Court justices who refrained from putting their fingers in the dike on the grounds that they lacked the power to do so, while shutting their eyes to the disastrous consequences of their passivism.

But even before that history is written, the state commission of inquiry that will have to be formed once the fires die down will have to delve into the prime minister’s priorities and agenda. It will have to examine how many hours he devoted this year to his dangerous justice minister, to the court’s reasonableness standard and to the Judicial Appointments Committee, compared to how many he devoted to his defense minister and the army’s chief of staff; it will have to examine how much attention he paid to the head of Military Intelligence compared to how much attention he paid to his lawyers and PR people.

It’s infuriating to recall that just a few months ago, Netanyahu found time to appear in the Jerusalem District Court to deter a frightened witness, the businessman Arnon Milchan, while Israel’s own deterrence was eroding. Or to recall his refusal to meet with IDF Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi, who sought to warn him about the destructive consequences of abolishing the reasonableness standard, on the day the law doing so was passed.

It’s impossible to close your eyes to the reality. There’s a clear connection between the corruption trial, the government’s judicial overhaul, and the greatest failure since the Yom Kippur War of 1973, perhaps even since the establishment of the state.

Admittedly, the intelligence agencies failed inconceivably at foreseeing the actual attack. But they warned Netanyahu time and again in recent months that Israel’s enemies had identified a historic weakness, making the likelihood of war higher than it has been since the Second Lebanon War of 2006.

Yet instead of quelling Justice Minister Yariv Levin, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich due to this danger, Netanyahu prioritized ensuring his personal survival and the integrity of his coalition at the price of capitulating to insane, messianic racists. To this end, he turned his domestic rivals into enemies and systematically destroyed the connective tissue that, with great difficulty, held Israel society together.

He and his partners in this criminal organization forgot that Israel isn’t Poland or Hungary, but first and foremost a country deeply embroiled in a national conflict. Consequently, it doesn’t have the privilege of entertaining itself with dictatorial games.

Hamas as partner

Effectively, Netanyahu’s entire worldview collapsed over the course of a single day. He was convinced that he could make deals with corrupt Arab tyrants while ignoring the cornerstone of the Arab-Jewish conflict, the Palestinians. His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal, he found a partner in Hamas.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

The worst terror attack in Israel’s history also strips Netanyahu of his title as “the terrorism expert,” a source of pride ever since he established the Jonathan Institute in memory of his brother Yoni, who was killed during the Entebbe hostage rescue. With its help, he marketed himself for years and eventually reached the Prime Minister’s Office.

Netanyahu learned the lesson of his predecessors Menachem Begin and Olmert and for years, maneuvered skillfully to avoid getting embroiled in a war in which hundreds would die, since he knew that would likely be the end of his road as a politician. But the vertigo of his current term, during which he sacrificed everything for the sake of clinging to power, resulted in “his nightmare scenario coming true,” to quote a man who knows him well.

He has been prime minister for most of the last 16 years, yet what he will be remembered for after he goes is this last devastating year. In a single day, under his reckless leadership, Israel paid a much higher price in blood than it did during the Second Lebanon War, and similar to what it paid during the first Lebanon War in the early 1980s.

Olmert will be credited with destroying Syria’s nuclear reactor and striving to end the conflict with the Palestinians. Begin will be remembered for bombing Iraq’s nuclear reactor and, of course, making peace with Egypt. Netanyahu’s portfolio of achievements is pretty thin, with all due respect to the Abraham Accords.

Not long ago, we marked the 40th anniversary of the cabinet meeting at which Begin announced that he couldn’t go on any longer. Israel was bogged down in the Lebanese quagmire, with fatalities mounting every day, and this overcame him.

“The reason is that with every fiber of my being, I can’t go on,” Begin told his partners in Likud and the governing coalition, who begged him to reconsider. “There are times like that ... If I had even a shadow of a doubt that I could go on, I would do so. But it’s not in my power to do so. What does a man need to do if it’s not in his power? ... Allow me to go to the president [to resign] this very day. Forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement. I can’t do it anymore.”

What we need now is for Netanyahu to follow in the footsteps of Likud’s first leader. But you can’t expect any soul-searching from him, and certainly not self-flagellation or shutting himself up at home à la Begin. Soon, any moment now, he’ll be blaming everyone except himself. The poison machine has already started to work.

1 respuesta

Muy bien pero y con Hamas qué pasa?

2 respuestas


También están pidiendo el arresto de los líderes de Hamas.

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#25057 Lee la noticia, también se ha pedido orden de arresto contra los líderes de Hamas

3 1 respuesta

#25058 #25059

Pues perfecto pero no creo qué les detengan


Kharim Khan es miembro de la "Ahmadiyya Muslim Community", de padre Pakistaní. Su hermano político condenado por abusar de menores y partidario del Brexit. La Inglaterra buena.


Y en términos serios que significa esto.

Invoco a @soy_zdravo para que nos explique que consecuencias es que La CPI solicite el arresto del líder de Hamás y Netanyahu

1 1 respuesta

#25056 jaja, no me leo todo eso.


Queda claro que solo EEUU tiene via libre para cometer las atrocidades que les plazca xd

Al nyeta no le van arrestar jamás


En Español de España.


La respuesta


#25062 Pues que si los jueces emiten la orden, tendrán a otros lideres paseándose como a Putin y quitándole aún más legitimidad al órgano. Más aún si se saltan su propio procedimiento.


Nadie comenta que ha muerto el presidente de ira en un accidente de helicoptero a lo prigozhin?

Quién estará detrás de todo esto?

1 respuesta

Es curioso que haya sido ahora que el CPI haya decidido que oye, a lo mejor era buena idea detener a los líderes de HAMAS después de que hayan estado años regalando a Israel miles de pruebas gratis de comprobación del funcionamiento del Iron Dome a base de lanzarles cohetes.


Esto se veía venir desde hacía varias semanas. ¿Qué implicaciones tiene? Para Bibi y Galantz en teoría nada, porque Israel no firmó el Tratado de Roma, que es lo que se está aplicando... siempre y cuando no salgan de su país. Si salen de su país y van a un tercero que sí es firmante del Tratado, dicho país tiene la obligación de arrestarle(s) y llevarles ante la Corte Penal Internacional para ser juzgados. ¿Os acordáis lo que pasó con Pinochet cuando le trincaron en Londres? Pues parecido. Aparte, la declaración de criminales de guerra.

Y lo mismo para los miembros de Hamas.

Ojo, que esto no tiene nada que ver con el proceso que se sigue en la Corte Internacional de Justicia.

Por otro lado, como EEUU tampoco reconoce a la CPI (ni Rusia, ni China, ni India, ni Cuba, ni Irak), pues al final es un poco meh. Ningún grande quiere que le controlen... Es como el derecho de veto en la ONU: nos damos normas, para saltárnoslas cuando nos viene bien, o mirar a otro lado, o ponerse a silbar.

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#25068 respecto de eso:


#25070 y ya no sólo eso, si no jugarse el que te hagan la de presidente eslovaco, algún accidente fortuito, que tu familia no aparezca... Como si esta gente tuviese limites xd a ver quien es el listo que lo manda arrestar al menos en occidente.

16 4 respuestas

Parafraseando (supuestamente) a Mourinho: "Only thieves can complain about the introduction of security cameras."


#25073 Pobres diablos


#25073 esos drones no lanzan granadas, no? Qué provoca la explosión?

1 respuesta

#25073 ahí van 3 mujeres y 2 niños más


#25076 Pues cualquier avión que los vea asomar la patita los puede hacer chocapic. Utilizarán los drones para reconocimiento y luego patapan

Que un tipo desde su casa gelocalice los campos de entrenamiento donde planeaban el atentado del 7 de octubre al lado del almacén de UNRWA en Rafah, dice mucho del nivel de rigor periodístico.


#25073 no lo entiendo, porque no disparan al puto dron

1 respuesta

#25079 Puede que sea este tipo de dron: