Game of Thrones [Hilo antiguo]


Joder, vaya reparto, estan clavando los personajes O_O


Han clavado a la montaña.


Dios el tio ese con la armadura, la montaña perfecta.


Joder, eso no es la montaña, eso es el Himalaya xDD. Buena eleccion si señor.


Pues a mi no me acaba de convencer este, espero que con una armadura tocha y un buen juego de cámaras resulte todo lo imponente que debería.

Lo que tiene peor solución es que le veo cara de bonachón.


claro y se llama Conan por casualidad no?


Jamie Sives interpretará a Jory Cassel.

Entrevista a Lena Headey:

How is life over in the UK? Are you ready to go back to work on “Game of Thrones”?
Life back in the uk is er …. ok, but i love Los Angeles dammit, there i said it… though its good to be near great friends. I am excited and nervous about going back to work, very ready and not ready one bit.

Have you read the novels that the series is based on and what drew you to the role of “Cersei”?
No and she’s a curious woman, a hard shell but inside i believe there is deep paranoia and a growing madness.

You are working once again with Peter Dinklage on GoT. What memories do you have of working with him on “Ultra”?
We giggled ALOT, mostly at a cat driving a car, i’ll let him explain that one. i am very happy to be working with him again, he is playing a great character and i hope we get some story lines together.

Is there anything you can relate to with the character you play in the Games of Thrones?
God no… apart from being a mum now, i am excited about bringing a whole new experience to my work.

Aside from Games of Thrones, are they any other projects that we can look forward to?
i haven’t worked in so long. i seemed to be offered alot of work when i was pregnant.. obviously i was unable to do any of it.

Describe your character in “Game of Thrones” in 5 words or less.
smart , insecure, ferociously maternal, cutthroat, paranoid.

Would love to know how you are approaching the role of Cersei for Game of Thrones seeing as it’s pretty much the first time you’ve been cast in a “villainous” role. Are you looking forward to playing someone the audience will hopefully love to hate?
I am so looking forward to be a villain for once … i am usually cast as the good moral person.. i shall indulge my imagination in this role.. and just about resist the urge to be ULTRA villainous.

What kind of reseach did you do for your role in Game of Thrones? Have you met George R. R. Martin to discuss your interpretation of the role of Cersei?
I met George though we didn’t discuss,he was enjoying a lovely pint or two in scotland with the rest of the cast, i was pregnant…. i think he trusts us to do him proud.


Ian McElhinney interpretará a Barristan Selmy.


Disculpad mi mala memoria, ¿quien era Jory Cassel?


Es de la guardia de invernalia si no me equivoco, no?




mola el elegido de barristan, a ver si es buen actor que el personaje es de mis favoritos


Aidan Gillen será Petyr Baelish (Meñique).


físicamente me encaja Meñique. Ser Barristan no tanto.


#879 el mayordomo de eddard


Alguien sabe cuando empezara la temporada? a estas horas no tengo ganas de pasarme por las 30 paginas xD


Joder petyr es clavado a como lo imaginaba, cara puntiaguda... igualico!


Mi querido carketi, de meñique! Que sorpresa!

PD: Echo de menos The Whire :(


Hay pocos actores que puedan quedar tan bien en el papel como el señor Tommy Carcetti. Que alegría me ha dado al leer la noticia.

Último comentario de GRRM:

The part of Rast, one of the nastier of Yoren’s recruits, will be played by a young British actor named LUKE MC EWAN, a 2009 graduate from the Oxford School of Drama.

The side used in the auditions for Sam featured the scene where Sam tells Jon Snow how his father Lord Randyll dispatched him to the Wall. A difficult scene, but Bradley-West did an amazing job with it in his reading. This was one of the toughest calls, at least for me, since there was another talented candidate who was also very strong, but in the end JB-W’s heartbreaking performance could not be denied. Bradley-West will be graduating from the School of Theatre at Manchester Metropolitan University on July 16. I am told this was his first professional audition, and I imagine it is his first professional role as well. Going straight from graduation to a pretty significant part in an HBO series… hey, it doesn’t get much better than that. He’ll make a great Sam. (And if the show lasts till season four, he may even get a sex scene!)

I can also confirm that we have cast Arya’s dancing partner … The London-based Yeromelou has done a lot of stage work, including Shakespearian turns at the Globe and with the Royal Shakespeare Company … I hear that Miltos and Maisie are already sparring on Twitter. Just so.


Están clavando a todos los actores. Con lo difícil que era. Se nota que por ahí anda Martin.


Claro. Eso o simplemente los encargados del casting se han leído los libros, lo cual me parece lo más probable cuando se trabaja en una adaptación de una novela para la pantalla.


El actor que interpreta a Meñique es el único que no me termina de convencer.


#892 ¿Por qué no te convence? No sé, a mí me ha gustado, le veo bastante pinta de rata y mequetrefe.


Cuando empezara el programa?

O sea, cuando empezara la primera temporada?


#893 mmm, me lo imaginaba mayor; de todas formas, con una perilla y algo de maquillaje seguro que da el pego.


#894 Primavera 2011.


darkavm seguro que para primavera ¿? serie de verano... no seria mas normal que una producción de este tamaño y muy esperada y demás fuera para septiembre ¿?


#897 desgraciadamente darkavm todavía no ha accedido a los puestos de poder en HBO como para decidir cuando es más adecuado estrenar una serie, pero tu razonamiento me parece bueno.


#897 Como mucho se sabe que para el 2010 no la vamos a ver.

Jory Cassel será el unico guardia de los Stark (de los que van a King's Landing) con diálogo, todos los demás (Desmond, Fat Tom, Hullen, Vayon Poole) van a ser interpretados por extras.

Bronson Webb (Will) se sale de la serie (se supone que por su papel en Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides), y van a volver a filmar la escena del prólogo.

No comprendo la razón de esto último :S


Siempre quise leer los libros, es buen momento para empezarlos parece.

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