Cenarion circle: Rewards


A pesar que ya lo sabíamos, han publicado los rewards por honor y monedas del cenarion circle;


Hay que decir que los rewards por clase estan bastante bien, pero no va a ser fácil conseguirlos...

Me quedo con la maza de priest :P


no llego a entender porq todods los patterns q ponen ahi son de mail :s

se les ha ido un poco la mano con los shamanes esta vez o me lo parece a mi?


A mi me parece muy sobrada la de druida xD.


enchant +15fr on chest ftw


pero que parte del mapa es ese xDDD

PD: hace 2 semanas que no juego xDDD toy un poco perdido


podeis decir como va esto q estais comentando.

tengo q tener rep alta en IF o en otro sitio?

donde tengo q ir pa pillar eso .


los patterns de reward se pillan en cenarion hold, silithus, donde pone friendly, honored, revered y exhalted es con la reputacion de Cenarion Circle

los items de quest tienen toda la pinta de conseguirse como los items de ZG, necesitas una serie de items diferentes, de thrash mobs y bosses y cierta reputacion pa q te den el item mediante quest


eso como va ? siendo horda se puede hacer ?


Si, a Silithus se va por el noroeste de UnGoro un caminillo que hay.


La reputacion en cenarion circle se sube matando unos mobs humanos llamados twlights.

Se sube entregando papelitos que sueltan esos mobs, tienes que entregar 10 en la ciudad de alli, tambien entregando abyssal signets, que es summoneando a los mobs de las piedras juntando un set de 3 piezas que sueltan esos bichos tambien.


Añadir que de vez en cuando esos mismos elementales sueltan cosas chulas, no items épicos impresionantes, pero muchas veces se agradece después de estar farmeando 32091021 sin que te caiga una puta armor de ese set... estoy maldito con ese drop oye



Hay 3 niveles de invocaciones.

Nivel 1: Abyssal signet e items verde creo
Nivel 2: Necesitas 3 abyssal signets y un neck o algo asi que te da un tio de cenarion hold, estos tiran items azules.
Nivel 3: No se que necesitas, no los he invocado, pero estos si dan epicos y se necesitan bastantes personas pa matarlo, a mi me aparecen como nivel calavera.


La reputacion se consigue por bastantes vias, pero en cuanto llegas a Revered ya dejan de darte reputacion los Twilight al matarlos, asi que es recomendable guardar algunos textos para mas adelante.
Otra cosa lo de sumonear va de la siguiente manera:

1) 3 Piezas de twilight ( Cowl+Chest+Shoulders):
te da 1 Abyssal Crest y a veces alguna esencia dependiendo del elemento del boss, y items verdes) Cada boss da 5 Rep con CH
2) 3 piezas Twilight + 3 Abyssal Crests + 1 Large Brilliant Shard ( las 2 cosas ultimas requeridas para el neck de invocacion)
Weno ya me he cansado de poner en español lo mas basico , osea lo mas usado para ganar reputacion.
Aqui os dejo un extracto de algo que me he encontrado en el foro de mi guild :p
Espero que os sirva de ayuda:

There are 3 twilight hammer camps in Silithus each with Lesser, normal, and Greater Windstones in them. They display a 'use' icon when you mouse over them, however if you activate one unprepared, it will zap you with lightning. And yes, it will kill you if you are dumb and try it enough times. :p

General Info

Each of the stones will summon an Abyssal Elemental. What they drop depends on which one you summon. All of the stones require, at minimum, the Twilight Trappings Set. This is a 3 piece cloth armor set with a head, shoulder, and chest piece. They have no stats, and the set bonus only allows you to interact with Windstones. They have about a 1/5 drop rate off the twilight cultists, don't bother buying them off the AH unless you're really lazy, you can farm a full set in about 15 minutes.
Set :


Important Note Using the Twilight Set, Medallion of Station, or the Ring of Lordship to activate any of the windstones will consume the 3 armor pieces, medallion, and or ring! If you fail to kill the elemental and he despawns, you will NOT get the pieces back, broken or otherwise. So don't do it unless you are prepared to take down whichever boss you are summoning.

Twilight Texts

Twilight texts drop off any of the cult members at random, around 20% of the time.
If you aquire a stack of 10 of these, you have two choices. There are 2 repeatable quests you can choose to do. The first is from one of the Tauren near the horde flight point.
This is the more obvious one. It rewards faction for turnin, plus some nice pocket change.
The second quest is kind of hidden, unless you have followed some of the other quest chains in the zone, and found the guy hiding in the cave on the east side of the zone.
If you turn in a stack to him you recieve NO FACTION. However! In about an hour after you give him the text, you will get some mail from him with a package. The package will contain some decoded text with some info on it, which you may or may not find interesting.
Also in the package are some random goodies. This includes cheese, water, potions, scrolls of strength/agility/whatever, and possibly one of the Darkrune patterns.
These sell quite well on the AH, as they offer high shadow resistance, which as I understand it, is quite handy in a certain high-end raid encounter.

Objects of Beckoning

If you complete the quest to collect 10 Encrypted Twilight Texts, and turn them in to the NPC in the cave, INSTEAD of turning them in to the NPC in town, you will recieve a letter in the mail a few hours later.
In the mail you get a bag, the bag can contain various crafting schematics, as well as some scrolls that will allow you to create beckoning objects.
Crests of Beckoning are used on Lesser Windstones.
Signets of Beckoning are used on normal Windstones.
Scepters of Beckoning are used on Greater Windstones.
Each of they Scrolls require various regents, ranging from 1-20 elemental air/earth/fire, herbalism plants, truesilver rods, and Dark Runes.


The purpose of the Objects of Beckoning are to enable you to summon a specific type of elemental from the stones. For the Lesser stones this is kind of pointless, the Templars loot tables are mostly the same between all 4 types. For the Dukes and higher, this can be useful, as each drops a different object. It takes quite a bit of time to aquire the materials to summon a Duke or a Lord, so this may be worthwhile.

Lesser Windstones

The Lesser stones summon a Templar, a 60 elite that can be taken down easily by a group of 2-3. The only thing required here is the Twilight Set. Be sure to bring a healer of some sort, they hit for 700. There are 4 possible Templars that can be summoned, which one is summoned is random. Each will drop an Abyssal Crest, and there's a good chance that it will drop a random BoE green item. They can drop blues, but the chance to do so is only slightly higher than any other random NPC.
Azure Templar - Water
Crimson Templar - Fire
Earthern Templar - Earth
Hoary Templar - Air

Normal Windstones

The "normal" windstones (they just say "Wind Stone", no Lesser or Greater) require a Twilight Set, plus a Medallion of Station. The medallion is a neckpiece, which is aquired by bringing 3 Abyssal Crests to the NPC near the mailbox along with a Large Brilliant Shard. This quest is repeatable, however it requires Friendly reputation before it becomes available. All you need are 3 Crests and the shard to get another one.
Wearing the Set and the Medallion allows you to activate the Windstone, which will summon a Duke. These are level 62 elites, and can be taken by a group of 5 if everyone knows what they're doing. If you're doing this with a pickup group, grab 8 or more. Each has different attacks, none are particularly difficult, although the Air elemental does use a hurricane like attack that does 400 per tick.
Each of them will drop a different BoP blue item, most of which are very nice. They will also drop a blue item called an Abyssal Signet, which you can turn in for some faction and a nice bag of random stuff.

Duke of Cynders - Fire
Duke of Fathoms - Water
Duke of Shards - Earth
Duke of Zephyrs - Air

Greater Windstones

To summon a Royal Lord, you need the Twilight Set, the Medallion of Station, plus a Ring of Lordship. The ring can be aquired via quest, same as the Medallion, however it requires Revered reputation with the CC. It takes three(3) Abyssal Signets to create a Ring. This quest is also repeatable.
The ring also drops off a rare spawn that can spawn at any of the 3 twilight camps, and wanders around the camp. If he's not at one camp, check a different one. Even though he's classified rare, reports have his spawn time at less than 15 minutes, although he can spawn at any one of the 3 camps.

Activating the Greater Windstone will summon a ?? (raid boss) elite that requires anywhere from 30-40 people to defeat. There are four different ones and each one drops a different epic. It is not a 100% chance to drop an epic, but it's pretty high, somewhere around 70%. If not an epic, then you'll get a blue.
They also drop Abyssal Scepters
These can be turned in for rep with the Cenarion Circle, same as the crests and rings. However it's plausible that these can be used to summon a still more powerful entity, however this is still speculation, nobody has discovered any quest or object that would lend credit to this theory. Even the few who have reached exhaulted already report there's no further use for them at this poitn. It's most likely that they could be used in the next patch to help open the gates of Ahn'Quiraj

High Marshal Whirlaxis (Air)
Windshear Cape

Prince Skaldrenox (Fire)
Elemental Focus Band

Baron Kazum (Earth) -- Thottbot has no info here
Earthern Guard

Lord Skwol
Wavefront Necklace

Reputation Gains

(Major credits to Vaughn on page 4 of this thread)
Normal mobs only give reputation until you get to friendly +50%. So in theory you'd be best saving your sets for after that point to summon elementals. In reality though that doesn't work as your inventory would be overflowing with sets. However, you can maximize your reputation by holding off on doing other Silithus quests as long as possible because reputation gets a lot harder once you hit friendly +50%.

Note that the Emissary (the big egyptian looking guy) doses not give any rep if you kill him, since he is a summoned outdoor boss. The quest to kill him does give rep, however. The 3 level 62 elites that are summmoned with him seemingly always give one rep.

As far as texts go, you get 100 points per turn in until you get to honored +50%, at which point it drops to 50 points. So using your texts before that point would be a more effective use of them. However, at honored +50% I believe some of the elementals stop giving reputation. Templars certainly, but perhaps the dukes as well. So you'll be better off summoning any templars you can.

There's always the repeatable Un'Goro soil quest, but I don't know what reputation that gets you or when it dies down.

And as for the repeatable quests in which you turn in crests or sigils, you're better off not doing them. You get rep, yes. But you'd be better off getting a medallion and killing more dukes. And saving those sigils so you can go after the Royals.

Quizas lo vaya traduciendo poco a poco, aunque bueno si jugais al wow supongo que no tendreis problemas en entenderlo como esta xD

Saludos !!


Pero hay rewards para mago? yo los he estado viendo y solo hay pa druida y chaman XD


si yo si los he matado.. y sueltan un anillo de p.m creo y si necesitas una raid grande


Un tal principe noseke dropa;

Se raidea entre 40, y es del estilo de lucifron.
Para invocarle:

17 twilight sets
9 Large Brilliant Shards

o en términos de summon:

12 templar summons
3 duke summons


#2 ni q los shamanes fueran los unicos q pueden llevar mail.

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