What it does:
Well, in the documentation, lerp "Linearly interpolates between two vectors." Well. What does this mean? My basic understanding is that it gives coordinates every update for the object to move to.
Según esto entiendo que los vectores se actualizan cada 15.5ms, o lo que tengas de lerp. por lo tanto más bajo mejor...aunque el color no sepa lo que significa.
NOTA: No tengo ni puta idea, solo es lo que me da a entender.
EDIT: the indicator will turn orange if the user or server has tuned the ConVars such that the interpolation amount is less than 2 / updaterate. This indicates that if there is any packet loss (or possibly choke if the choke is occurring for long periods of time due to large packets being sent over a low bandwidth rate setting) that the player will likely see sluggishness in the game.
Osea, que si esta blanco las balas dan más, pero también pasa que te vean antes/ te maten cuando estas escondido...etc. O eso entiendo yo.