Dota: Actualización 27/07


Añadidos unos cuantos nuevos sets y cajas/llaves del international.

  • Made hero loadout model preview bigger in the main menu.
  • Added practice lobby button to swap Radiant and Dire teams.
  • Limited number of selectable matchmaking regions to six.
  • New users are able to watch live games before completing the tutorials.
  • Wins and level are now hidden for players that aren't friends and don't have 'Share Match History' in the options enabled
  • Fixed keybindings not being saved properly for Xbox controllers
  • Added Dire courier icons to minimap for Spectators
  • Fixed a crash when selecting all units while spectating
  • Fixed dota_embers convar value being forgotten when the game is restarted
  • Spectators can select wards to see their vision or truesight radius.
  • Added Xbox controller support for Dota TV
    Left / right bumper = Cycle back or forward through the heroes on the field
    Start button = Pause (Replay only)
    Back button = Rewind (Replay only)
    D-Pad up / down = Cycle through stats dropdown menu
    D-Pad left / right = Slow down or speed up replay speed
    Y button = Show gold graph
    X button = Show XP graph
    B button = Dismiss open graphs, reset playback speed, revert camera to previous mode (after cycling heroes)


  • Reduced average wait time and reduced incidence of extremely long wait times


  • Added further explanation of International Fantasy Challenge rules.
  • Exposed the roles of players in International Fantasy Challenge Bench slots.
  • Completing the creation of an International Fantasy Challenge team now grants you the Mammoth mount for your Smeevil.
  • Completing all the Main Event Predictions now grants you the Bird mount for your Smeevil.


  • Made the chat wheel work
  • Added intro movie for new users, fixed black screen displaying for new users
  • Fixed bugs with some tooltips missing text on what abilities do
  • Fixed outline color of target units to match what Windows shows
  • Fixed some rendering issues
  • Fixed some crashes
  • A variety of performance improvements
  • Fixes to audio (silence, crashes)
  • Mac: More robust mouse grab
  • Mac: Allow setting "Unit Speech" to "All" in audio settings.
  • Linux: Fixed hang when pasting from the clipboard under certain conditions


  • Fixed some issues with base attack sound modifier (e.g. Tiny's Scepter attacks)
  • Adjusted limits on Chen ult target sounds


  • Tusk: Fixed minor inaccuracies with his Base Strength, Attack Animation and Turn Rate
  • Meepo: Fixed Geostrike not affecting units like Spirit Bear
  • Morphling: Fixed being the Replicate illusion buff icon being visible to enemy players
  • Morphling: Fixed being unable to control the first Juxtapose illusion created by your Phantom Lancer Replicate
  • Shadow Demon: Fixed Demonic Purge killing summoned units like Warlock's Golem
  • Shadow Demon: Fixed Shadow Poison damage release not having a cast point
  • Fixed a minor inaccuracy with Meepo and Ogre Magi's base armor

Bueno ya empiezo yo por no perder la costumbre no hero gg volvo disband


It's fucking noth... ok,nvm.


- Wins and level are now hidden for players that aren't friends and don't have 'Share Match History' in the options enabled

Lo predije, la gente seguía pensando que las Wins o el level tenían algo que ver con el MMR/ELO. Esto también previene los leavers que abandonaban antes de que empieza la partida porque ven alguien con 200 wins y ellos tienen 201.

- New users are able to watch live games before completing the tutorials.

  • Spectators can select wards to see their vision or truesight radius.

Dos sugestiones de la portada de Reddit implementadas rapidisimo.

  • Wins and level are now hidden for players that aren't friends and don't have 'Share Match History' in the options enabled

Ahora ya directamente la lotería. xDDDD


600 mb de parche casi nada

pd : Actualización 26/07 no del 27 xD


Con las wins ocultas, ahora cuando te flameen en una partida vale como excusa "Era mi primerito dia"



Es evidente que no quieren hacer nada gordo antes de TI3, por si hubieran bugs gordos, yo lo veo bien.


No puedes ver las wins -> ver perfil de Steam -> horas en Doto. Menuda pollada.


Anda ahora la pestaña Aprender se llama Biblioteca? :D


Quiero este set de KotL :qq:


p-pero si me esta bajando 700 megas!


700 mb -> its fucking nothing, gg volvo disband


- Completing the creation of an International Fantasy Challenge team now grants you the Mammoth mount for your Smeevil.

  • Completing all the Main Event Predictions now grants you the Bird mount for your Smeevil.

Pues parece que el modelo de ambos está bugeado, lo he probado en una perosnalizada y con el aspecto desbloqueado y equipado el courier es invisible xD

1 respuesta

Esto lo fixean en un ratillo, que no cunda el panico.

1 respuesta

y meten el arma de spectre que tenia menos de la mitad de votos q la mía, pos na gg workshop

1 respuesta

#16 Puedes ponerla aquí que la vea? Por curiosidad, vamos, no recordaba a nadie que hiciese items por aquí.

1 respuesta

#17 ahora mismo estoy con el móvil y no tengo Link pero es Abyssal blade en el workshop, pero esk ni esa ni dragonwing cleaver, oblivion maw, etc.. me odian seguro


Acabo de terminar una y premio, otro de 6mb xD

#15 you win


Bueno, pues ya tengo todos los smeevils desbloqueados, buen path el de esta semana... que sea 3 de agosto ya por dios!


Weee, un Whalehook inmortal por lo del Compendium ^^


A todos os ha tocado por lo del compendium?

1 respuesta

#22 Nope, hay 5 items. Pudge, Abaddon, Vengeful, Lone Druid y Kunkka.

Yo te cambio la maza por el puchero de LD si quieres :D :D

1 respuesta


No sabes nada xDDDDD


El de pudge tiene que costar billones fijo


pff espada de kunkaaaaaaaaaaaa : (


hook! :D


A mi me ha tocado la de Vengeful y una flauta, ¿alguien sabe para que es?

2 respuestas

Lone druid :(


#28 para desbloquear el smeevil-chocobo