Starbound #HO

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Twitter oficial.
Grupo de Steam oficial.
Comunidad no oficial española. Actualizado.
Twitter de la comunidad no oficial española. Actualizado.
Facebook de la comunidad no oficial española. Actualizado.
Grupo de Steam de la comunidad española.Actualizado.
Grupo de Steam de StarboundMV. Actualizado.

Servidores de juego

Contraseña: psb

Otro en #6074



Chucklefish no es Blizzard y hasta que no entendáis eso poco hay más que decir.

En el otro hilo lo mismo echando mierda a The FOrest cuando el juegp para ser la versión 0.02 está muy bien. Y es una empresa de 4 empleados, o al menos así empezaron.

Os falta una cultura de este mundillo increíble.

Toda la información de las últimas dos semanas es contenido que están trabajando para meter en un macro parche.

2 respuestas

#7711 No compro una beta en fase inicial para ver un juego terminado, o a punto. Lo que compramos era la palabra de un equipo de 4 empleados que se comprometieron con un proyecto.

Si esa gente, a día 8 de Junio como estamos, hubiera actuado de otra forma estos meses, ya sea trabajando más o engañándonos mejor, la situación sería harto distinta. Su excusa ha sido, en algunas ocasiones, que estaban desanimados con el proyecto. En caso de que esto sea verdad, ponerlo en su página principal no es precisamente brillante. No solo no han hecho nada sino que han publicado que están de bajón. Esas cosas para el facebook están bien, no para la portada de un juego en desarrollo.

Si esto es lo que nos espera con early acces y betas primigenias, no quiero ni la cultura que dices que me falta, ni formar parte de "ese mundillo"

1 1 respuesta

#7711 Bueno, y blizzard tiene su mitico blizztime.



Cuando pagas un early access están dando la confianza en unos desarrolladores en hacer el juego que ellos quieren.

No son tus esclavos. El resto son pataletas vuestras.


#7709 Yo compré un juego en desarrollo con la condición de que saliese el 2014, si lo cambian es problema de ellos, yo les hago de tester y apoyo su proyecto siempre y cuando el dinero se use como ellos han dicho que se haría.

Si a ti te venden unos churros y lo que te dan es mierda, porque no vas a quejarte? El que no se quiera quejar y se quiera dejar estafar es su problema, pero en el mundo hay gente que no es subnormal y está en su derecho de quejarse.

Yo estoy cansado de que me timen y por mi parte les estoy rayando a correos hasta que me devuelvan la pasta.. y si no lo consigo me aseguraré de darles por culo, que para eso se han quedado con mi dinero <3

2 1 respuesta
12 comentarios moderados

February 4, 2014 in Dev Blog, Featured, News

Hi guys,

It’s been a while since we posted an update as we’ve been feverishly working away on the game. But we’ve had an increasing number of requests to detail what the finished game will be like. So I wanted to go into detail on what we consider the finished Starbound experience to be (subject to change! as always). As well as where Chucklefish is going in the future.

The future of Starbound

The following is a collection of some of the broad changes coming to Starbound in terms of progression. Not included are smaller self contained features like ship upgrades, vehicles and so on.


As it stands, almost the entirety of the progression in Starbound is temporary. Built quickly to enable some basic gameplay during beta.

The final game will be structured differently.

The current 10 tiers of gameplay will all play out on the same Starmap, with each tier introducing hazards that can only be overcome by progressing through the previous tier and completing a mission at the end of each tier.

To access a mission at the end of each tier you need to obtain a certain number of pixels.

An example of this progression would be:

Play through tier 1 and gain enough pixels too.. > access the tier 1 mission > fight tier 1 boss > gain oxygen tank tech > now able to access tier 2 planets with non breathable atmosphere

Obtaining Pixels

Obtaining pixels will be key to progressing through Starbound. To access the mission in each tier you must first gather a certain number of pixels.

Currently obtaining pixels in Starbound feels like a bit of a grind. Particularly given the pixel death penalty and the high cost of various pixel sinks. In large part however this is down to unimplemented features being missing.

In the finished game you’ll be able to earn pixels in a multitude of different ways, essentially allowing you to play through the game the way you want to play. If you’d like to become an intergalactic farmer, growing and selling crops, keeping livestock and so on. The farming feature will be fleshed out enough for that to be your means of pixel gathering. On the other hand, if you prefer to be an adventurer, taking quests and gaining pixels as rewards. That route is just as good. Perhaps you prefer to be a builder, charging npcs rent based on the quality of the homes they inhabit. A pirate, robbing towns and ransacking villages. A tomb raider, gathering rare artifacts.

There will be many different routes through the game, each just as deep and profitable as the last. Each will branch out and become more complex as the player advances through tiers, unlocks new technology and becomes more proficient in their chosen skills. Essentially we’re describing the gameplay equivalent of a tech/skill tree.

End game

So eventually you’re going to get through all of the missions, you’ll have the best gear and you’ll be looking for a new challenge. This is where sector X comes in. Sector X is a collection of planets in which PVP is enabled by default and players battle over controlling various planets. To take part in the battle you first have to form an organisation (in game), which gives you access to a space station shared by other members of your organisation. The space station doubles as a ship that any captain in the organisation can control and is constructed from blocks and objects for full customization.

The PVP in this sector is entirely optional, players choose whether or not to attack each other or work together. Monsters, quests and events will be strong enough to be challenging even with the best tools in the game. And in game events, invasions and so on will keep the experience fresh.

Director Mode

On top of sector X, one major part of the replayable content will be director mode. Director mode exists within a separate Starbound client that allows admins to connect to their servers with a range of new tools built to control the action for their players. Admins in director mode (there can be multiple), will be able to spawn blocks, items, monsters, npcs at will. Take direct control over them, have them speak and interact with players. Essentially director mode allows admins to take on a similar role to that of a dungeon master in D&D, creating scenarios and stories on the fly to ensure players never have the same experience twice.

User made mission sharing

Using in game wiring tools players will be able to create their own mission maps and challenges that can be shared with other players. Custom missions installed on a server will be available to all players at any point and will function as instances. Parties will be able to enter these instances together as many times as they like.

Mod support

We’ve taken steps towards better mod support recently with the implementation of a .pak file system. Essentially condensing an entire mod into a single file. We’re not far away from also implementing a system for servers to share these pak files with clients on connect. This will allow mod authors and server admins to entirely overhaul the vanilla starbound experience for the players on their server.

Server security

We’re implementing a range of security checks to minimize cheating on a broad scale. But for admins that desire absolute security we will also eventually be implementing server side characters, including server side accounts and the option to require a new character the first time a new player connects. We want to empower server admins to create a unique experience on their server.

Update Schedule

Currently our update schedule relies entirely on waiting for engine updates to be finished before we are able to push any content updates to steam. After the next update we’re actually changing the way we work and separating content updates and engine updates. What this means for the end user is that content updates will hit several times a week instead of once every week/two weeks. The game will constantly evolve and you may find new things every time you log in.

The future of Chucklefish

So that’s Starbound, how about Chucklefish as a company?

Opening offices

We’ve actually just signed for a new office that we’ll be opening in London in the next 2 or 3 weeks. It’s a very exciting time for us, we’ll finally be working in the same room right in front of each other and our productivity is going to improve massively as a result. We also intend to provide some temporary office space for the games we publish and assist on. We’ll be blogging about opening the office soon, complete with photos and whatnot.


We’re going to continue helping out smaller indie companies publish their titles. Games on the horizon include Stardew Valley, Halfway, Treasure Adventure World, Wanderlust Adventures and more. We’d like to progress more in this space and assist indie developers make their games profitable without giving away huge percentages of their income away to predatory publishers.

Esto es de febrero. No hemos visto nada de eso.

Y esto es de Diciembre:

December 16, 2013 in Dev Blog, Featured, News

So here is a non exhaustive list of additions coming to the game. We have a lot more than this in store (not yet discussed), but Xealaz over at reddit compiled such a nice list of the stuff we HAVE discussed that I wanted to share it with you. As always, things are not set in stone.

On with the list!

NPC Spawners & Building Logic: NPCs will scan the structures you build around them and the contents of chests; they will have improved inventories/behaviors depending on how valuable their surroundings are.
Macro Terrain Changes: Affect an entire planet’s terrain and weather
More Planet Scanner Data: See details in the planet scanner like planet occupants/dungeons
Underground: More secrets will spawn below the surface
Space Combat: Way in the future, expect space combat and the ability to board other ships.
Spaceship Dungeons: Very large, size of a planet.
Biome Hazards: Sandstorms, icestorms, meteor showers, toxic planets, airless planets.
Ore & Difficulty: Higher difficulty planets will have improved ore distribution
Story Missions: Eventually each tier will end with a story mission that ends with the bosses you see now.
Ship Navigator Changes: Still not set in stone; but the new idea is to give a local map with fog of war. Instead of sector buttons you have to fly out of a sector and into the next one by uncovering more of the star map. The final sector would be infinite.
Smoother Difficulty Curve: Better indication of the difficulty of an area. Difficulty will change within tiers as well as between tiers. There will be fractional difficulty (for example, Difficulty 1.12 in tier 1 would be easier than Difficulty 1.52, while still in T1)
Monster Generation: Right now, monster parts just have stat boosts, but eventually rolled monster parts will affect their behavior and abilities. For example, monsters with spider legs can climb walls; fiery monsters inflict burning. You might get a burning spider dropping on you from the ceiling. Projectiles may be tied to specifically generated heads. Biome may influence monster part generation.
Mini-Map: Rotating circular map showing highlights only such as the location of friendly players, spawn points–but no major details. For the details you’d use a mapping item to create a map as you travel.
Teleporters: Stargates between planets and eventually between servers.
Dramatic Planet Modification: Not going to be implemented any time soon. Ability for players to modify huge chunks of planets through things like orbital bombardment; removing the entire first layer of a planet and leave behind a lifeless surface.
Tech Priority: Eventually all techs can be active at once, but a categorization system is in the works to assign priority to conflicting techs, preventing issues. A hotkey to switch the active tech will be added as a temporary workaround until the priority system is completed.
Server Commands: More server commands and control for chat and port listening.
Villager AI: Villagers will aggro when you steal from them and follow you more aggressively.
World Storage: Improve world storage and organize *.pak files to improve modding. Add launcher integration.
Spawn Points: Change spawn points on individual planets.
Controls: Reconfigure controls; keybinding.
Ship Size: Upgrade ship/increase size.
Racial Armor: Racial abilities will not be inherent but will be tied to racial armor. For example, Avian armor can glide downward.
Capture Pods & Mercenaries: May be able to capture NPCs with pods. Summon NPC Mercenaries by using the pod as a beacon.
Reduced Wipes: Working on a system to patch without requiring as many character wipes in the future. This will require one more wipe and that’s it.
Other Changes: Colorblind Mode & Engine Optimization. FTL animation being revamped to reduce memory strain.

Tampoco hemos visto nada de eso.
#7725 Lo entiendes ya?

1 1 respuesta

Ya hice el post, ahora ver como lo cierran y todos los seguidores me caen encima:

4 3 respuestas
2 comentarios moderados

Tener la discusión eterna cada X tiempo sobre el acceso anticipado es estúpido y ensucia el hilo oficial del juego.

Más allá de que se los estén rascando a doble mano o no, yo creo que si sois capaces de discutirlo desde el respeto y sin faltaros los unos a los otros, podríais abrir alguno de vosotros un thread al respecto en el subforo de juegos.


#7729 ya esta cerrado xd


#7729 Los mods y devs son Alemanes? je-je-je


Acaba de sonar una canción de la OST mientras estudio y tengo que decir: Pagué por una banda sonora muy buena.

Y ya está, me ha recordado a cuando compraba una revista sólo por las demos de juegos que traía. Especialmente porque Starbound parece una demo huehue.

#7729 Me hace gracia que en tu hilo uno responda a lo de "pagar en 2016" que entonces tendrían que seguir trabajando y avanzarían más despacio, cuando en realidad hacían muchísimo más cuando dedicaban sus ratos libres que cuando lo convirtieron en un full-time job.


Pienso que al ayudar en un kickstarter o comprando un acceso anticipado, aparte de alimentar tus ilusiones y las del propio desarrollador estas esperando un feedback decente entre ambos medios.

Es normal que la gente se cabree, y tienen sus razones, algunas de ellas muy buenas como han comentado arriba sobre la "desmoralización" del equipo de desarrollo.

También creo que les queda un poco grande todo esto, ya que convertir su hobby a full-time job como han dicho, para una persona que es eso, un "novato" en el sector, es un palo muy gordo, porque aquello que siempre viste desde un prisma de ilusión y dedicación, se torna lleno de trampas y baches.

Con esto último, creo que para llegar a ser un buen profesional, tendrán que afrontarlo de una manera digna, ya que a fin de cuentas, estan alimentados por la ilusión (y dinero) de los que se enamoraron de su juego, y merecen jugarlo. Si terminan el proyecto decentemente aunque con menos ganas y después sacan un juego mejor, seguiran ganando tanto ellos, como nosotros. Pero becar unos meses de trabajo por mas de 1millón, es pasarse.


La nueva mascota de la oficina, ojala asi se depriman menos y ojala no se distraigan mucho y trabajen mas ;)


Esa mascota es mas nuestra que de ellos.


nos toca mínimo un mes por contribuidor


Próximamente: "El perro ha mordido los cables/se ha meado en el disco duro/blabla y hemos perdido lo que llevábamos de progreso".

6 1 respuesta