Dust 514, MMOFPS en el universo de Eve Online


Hilmar Pétursson, CEO de CCP Games, ha dado a conocer hoy en la GDC el próximo juego de la compañía de EVE Online, Dust 514.

Este será un MMOFPS orientado a las consolas ambientado en el universo del exitoso MMORPG de la compañía EVE Online. Mientras en el juego anterior luchábamos por conquistar el universo en este nuevo título deberemos combatir por el control de los planetas que conforman dicho universo.

Por lo tanto ambos juegos estarán interconectados, siendo necesario que las facciones mantengan el control en tierra a través de las sangrientas batallas de Dust 514 para que sus compañeros desde las naves de EVE puedan disfrutar de las ventajas de poseer ese pedazo del universo.

Fuente: Massively.com


Ya veremos como termina esto, el juego esta bien como esta, si acaso que se puedan explorar / conquistar a base de batallas tipo complex o algo :/, pero eso de meter un MMOFPS para conquistar planetas no se :/


si les sale bien sera un jodido triunfo


solo para consolas? :(


yo lo que no entiendo es que no salga pa pc


saldrá para pc posteriormente


#6 más les vale >_<

Además con el asco que me dan los fps en consolas... :/


Mas les vale que salga en PC o sino me cago en ellos dia si y dia tambien hasta que salga xDDD


como salga bien puede ser glorioso, tiene una pinta estupenda.


dios mio, me veo jugando a dos pantallas, en el pc el eve y otra pantalla con la ps3...

omg orgia eveistica incoming...

opino lo que los demas, va a ser un jodididididisiisisismo triunfo y una vuelta de tuerca muy original, no llego a imaginarme las posibilidades de coordinar una corp con un grupo de fps conjuntamente para ganar la sov de un sistema o yo que me se que lo que tienen en la cabeza los genios de CCP

me muero por verlo


Por lo tanto ambos juegos estarán interconectados, siendo necesario que las facciones mantengan el control en tierra a través de las sangrientas batallas de Dust 514 para que sus compañeros desde las naves de EVE puedan disfrutar de las ventajas de poseer ese pedazo del universo.


Suena de cojones, pero a saber en qué acaba la cosa xd


Yo el EVE lo probé pero lo dejé, supongo que no será necesario tener una cuenta en EVE para poder jugar en este no? Es decir, el personaje irá a parte supongo, porque esta idea me atrae bastante más :D


Interconectados???? Joder! como mola!!!


Video con algo de "ingame conceptual".

La verdad es que puede ser todo un puntazo ... :D.




Pues para mi lo van a joder, igual que metiendo el walking in stations, solo faltaba ya eso, que vas a tocar los huevos a una alianza, y en vez de undockear para plantar cara (aunque a veces ni salen), se queden dentro de la estación jugando al poker con sus pjs ahi to fashions. Lo que han de hacer es cambiar el sistema de sov entero y dejarse de memeces, porque ahora mismo para defender un sistema lo unico que necesitas es no reforzarlo (sin avisar a GMs) y meter 1000 tios para que el nodo se muera.

PD: Supongo que mucho de los que os gusta nunca ha participado en alguna guerra grande :<


#15 No creo que sea tan simple como quedarse dentro ... que tengas gente dentro no hace a la base indestructible.

No se trata de una conquista de 2 fases, de 1)Base por dentro 2)Lucha en el espacio.

Es exactamente igual que ahora, pero ademas existe la posibilidad de que otra gente que en la vida jugaria al Eve se apunte ... Yo no lo veo nada mal la verdad, ya que esto "podria" suponer:

  • Transportes reales de Pj entre bases. Ir de galaxia a galaxia con tu alianza de consoleros y que te peten en medio del viaje? ... xD.
  • Control real de recursos y/o industrias. Poder tener planetas bajo control que produzcan recursos, esto solo lo veo como una mejora para favorecer el PvP por control de territorio.
  • Abordajes ... aunque esto seria mas complejo.

Pongamos un ataque a una estacion o planeta, todo es igual que ahora, los scouts primero, rastreo con probes, etc ... Se salta al otro lado ... comienza el combate, las defensas automaticas de la estacion/planeta empiezan a defenderse, bueno pues ahora tendrias la opcion de desplegar un contingente de Pjs para que se hagan con el control de esas defensas.

Planteatelo como si fuese una nueva bahia de carga como la de los drones, tu los tienes y te dan nuevas posibilidades de estrategia, sin mas.


OMG! que bien luce el trailer. Eso si, me esperaria a q lo sacasen en PC


Only for consoles?? pfffff

A ver el juego pinta genial. Pero no me mola q sea solo para consolas, otra empresa mas que se olvida de sus raices?

#19 gracias por la correccion. Pues espero q tenga buen puerto dicho juego ya que le dara mas vida al EVE de la que ya tiene.


#18 No es only for consoles, es primero en consolas ... no es olvidarse de sus raices ni nada por el estilo, simplemente han realizado un estudio de mercado y creen que el estilo de DUST encaja mucho mas en las consolas que en los PC.

Una primera toma de contacto en un entorno mas cerrado y controlable como son las consolas. Aunque normalmente los MMO en consola nunca han sido un genero muy triunfador.


ostias, increible, yo juegue al EVE y si esto sale adelante va a ser la ostia :D


Tanto la noticia como el video me parecen impresionantes O_O

Estoy deseando de probarlo. _


Joder, impresionante el video, y me ha molado bastante como se lo han montado.

Alguna idea sobre la fecha de salida? Ya deseo que salga xDDD


Una buena idea, veremos como la llevan a la practica.


Cuando lei la noticia pensaba que era el dia de los Santos Inocentes alli en Finlandia, sobretodo con lo de que era para consolas.

El caso es que en los foros oficiales se esta liando pardisima , y es que la importacia de este gran cambio no es proporcional a la informacion que tenemos , es dificil de entender que un usuario de ordenador dependa de un usuario de consola para la conquista de un territorio. Es un sistema innovador pero que de momento esta provocando verdaderos quebraderos de cabeza para entender como se aplicara.

Cuanto mas pienso menos lo entiendo jaja. Pero bueno , yo mismo cuando estoy en un CTA de esas de 4 horas campeando una pos o parecido, enchufo la ps3 y a pegar tiros al Killzone 2 , por lo que no me desagrada del todo.

La clave será saber cual es el "peso" real de esas partidas de shotter en el universo conquistable de EvE.

Mas informacion:

*Se podra transferir dinero del EvE a Dust 514 , contratacion de mercenarios.
*Shotter con elementos de estrategia.
*Habra vehiculos terrestres y unidades aereas.
*Combate entre 16 y 256 personas (no confirmado).


#24 Es que en ningun momento han dicho que Eve dependa de Dust ... sera importante, pero desde luego no critico.

Vamos, es que creo que es de cajon que si controlas una galaxia, por mucho que un planeta tenga jugadores de DUST de otra faccion, no significa nada. ¿Ahora mismo cuanto influye que una faccion tenga naves y clones en una estacion controlada por otra alianza?


Por eso digo que la cosa es saber cual es el peso real de los DUST , por cierto en la conferencia el CEO dijo que podia llegar a ser determinante , literalmente.

Mas info , entrevista a Hilmar Veigar Pétursson , CEO de CCP :
K: When we did set up this interview, we thought that we will talk about future plans for Eve. Not too wrong, but your announcement seems very abitious and surprising.
CCP: That's how we like it.

K: Now we need to ask further. YOu said that Events within DUST 514 will influence the Eve universe and the other way. How synced are the two worlds in detail?
CCP: Very synced, honestly. A fight on a planet taking part within DUST will have immidiate impact on the stratetic control a single Eve Player or group of players will have over this planet. And it is very simple to keep these things synced. It might have a large impact, but it is not much data that we have to transfer.

K: But this won't enable one to watch fights in DUST from within Eve and the other way?
CCP: No. In the PC game you will make offers to DUST marines. This group of mercenaries, will be in the center of DUST. The marines accept the mission, if the conditions are right and the result will be sent back and influences the gameplay of the PC game. But there won't be a Spectator camera or similar things.

K: A mission given out by a PC player is a quest for a DUST player?
CCP: We don't call it quest, but in principle: yes.

K: And between the Employer in Eve and the soldiers only money is transfered? Or are there more ways, which would mean the Eve player could support his soldiers.
CCP: Through higher values of money the player supports his soldiers more. And yes, money will be the minimum an Eve player can transfer to his soldiers.

K: And in return the Eve player get's the corresponding Sector of one planet, if his soldiers win the battle. If he owns most sectors on a planet, he will own the planet. But what does he get from that?
CCP: What can be done with the planets will be announced next year at the time our next expansion is due. This will introduce planetary control. If a player controls a certain amound of planets in one sun system, he will own the whole system. That expands our souverenity system and makes warfare within Eve more transparent and shifts it to a whole new level.

K: What we have been asked by our readers is: why only make the game available for console and not for PC?
CCP: Shooter on a console are different as shooters on the PC. We want to concentrate on developing a good console shooter.

K: The game isn't a sole shooter, but from the announcement also a MMO. How massive will be your multiplayer, how many people can take part in one skirmish?
CCP: If we take how many people can take part in one skirmish, I wouldn't call it MMO. We rather take the huge world of Eve Online in which the game takes place, and where many people account for. I can't tell at the moment how many players can take part in one fight. For one this is limited by the hardware but also which team sizes make sense and how the maps will look like etc.

K: From all those things you could have added to Eve, why you decided for a console shooter?
CCP: A shooter is from all game types the farest from what is Eve. Exactly this is the reason. We wanted to do something completly different. We wanted a whole new group of players encounter the world of Eve and enrich it. This way we can let player that aren't interested in PC games take part in Eve Online.

K: Fromt he press release, DUST will have also RTS elements. How can we imagine that?
CCP: If you fight another team in DUST, you can use different tactics. We call this Off-Map-Support. This way "things" can be called to the battle and will last for the whole battle.

K: Can you give examples?
CCP: Well ok. Stationary weapons would be such an example.

K: Okay. How about a Commander-Feature known from Battlefield? A strategic overview from where a commander can lead his troups?
CCP: Yes, this will be included.

K: Will it be the same in functionality and amount? Or rather low level? It is hard to display such tools on consoles.
CCP: Our focus for one is, to create a shooter with strategic elements. We will support the player with the tools he needs to do strategic decisions and accomplish them. I can't say more atm.

K: How strong will you link both games? Will I be able to link my accounts together when I am playing both? Are you planning to create one big game in the long term?
CCP: The things you enumerate have all been discussed at least. I can't talk into detail, we are just not ready. At the moment we primarily want to develop a first class console shooter. That is our goal. And after that we take those things into account. And if time is not enough, we will support DUST as constant with updates like we do in Eve.

K: Will DUST require a monthly fee?
CCP: Atm I can't tell anything.

K: MMOG must provide new content in certain time intervals, to keep the players. Shooter like DUST consist of well designed maps which would make it very expensive. And consoles are very limited on memory space...
CCP: Like with Eve, we will deliver the tools and the information the players build their own world. This means, we don't necessarily need to deliver new content. The content will be created by the players when they are giving life to the world. Our philosophy is: The guys playing the game are more important then the game itself.

K: There are really great stories in the world of Eve and they are very fascinating. But it is very hard for newcommers to keep an overview and even to notice all those things.
CCP: that is right. We try to highlight those stories through our Eve magazine, through news posts and many more. But we surely can do a better job.

K: In addition many console gamers won't have had contact to Eve. The Eve community seems (to us) not to be console junkies.
CCP: Well, how do people know that Paris Hilton was at a party, even if they are not interested? Through rainbow press, through news...

K: Will there be a Eve news show?
CCP: No, not likely. Our newest attemt is our upcomming Social Networking System. People can use this for chatting, leave notes, twitter-like announcements or just meet each other. In such a community stories will circle even faster. Communication is our solution, or yet again, to give our players the tools they need to utilize this functions.

K: It seems hard to imagine, that people from a console want to use all those text based communication...
CCP: If they are gaming, yes. But when they don't play and sit at work our just surf the internet, I think they will want tp step deeper into this world.

K: How deep woll the DUST soldiers be embedded into the Eve world? Will they have a home town in the game, are there things like player housing?
CCP: Atm: no. In the future? Who knows. We will listen closly what the people have to say.

K: Well, on of the first questions our readers asked, when we reported your announcement was: Can I encounter console players in the PC game, for example when we can walk both in stations. An expansion for Eve with this is allready planned.
CCP: Yes.... sounds like a great idea. laughs

K: How about the character of a player. Does he get expirience, will he advance in levels?
CCP: The character will evolve, but different from other MMOs and different from Eve.

K: Is DUST just the beginning of a whole set of modules you want to add to Eve? Maybe there will be a RTS on top?
CCP: Well, you know we are crazy. And we have crazy ideas of course. But for now, we need to focus on this step.

K: But is this really the strateg: We go on and the we will see? Or do you have a vision - is DUST just a small step of a greater plan you want to follow over many years?
CCP: I'd say: if you look at Eve and if you imagine it as an ultimative science fiction package for all your entertainment needs, then this is how Eve should be one day. Whenever you want SciFi entertainment, this shall be your brand delivering. Not matter what.

K: Will there be a singleplayer campaign?
CCP: Maybe there will be some kind of training mode, but else we limit it to the online mode.

K: Will there be only player versus player, or also a cooperative mode against NPC?
CCP: Uhm, I don't think I can answer this question. There are some things we didn't fix yet. And I don't want to but presure on the team by fixing things with a statement.

K: If I want to play late in the night online and only people with bad connection are available, I'd be happy about bots.
CCP: Yes, in such a scenario it makes sense, and I think we will provide a solution. But our goal is that players play against human players. Everything reaching this goal and not disturbing interaction between players will be supported by us.

K: If we listen to all this - the first time that a console game and a MMO are connected this way.. seems like a situation Microsoft usually knocks the door and wanting that game with exclusive rights. Did someone ring your bell allready?
CCP: laughs Can't say anything about this.

K: Would you think about an exclusive release?
CCP: Everything helping to realize this crazy idea in the best possible way will be taken by us. If exclusivity is the right way, we will walk it.

K: How long will we have to wait for the game? One year? Two? More?
CCP: Well, we work for three years on this title and you have seen our trailer... I can't say more.

K: If I am a pure Eve gamer, how much will the game change with the release of DUST?
CCP: The game itself won't change too much. But the world will change heavily. You will see youtube vids from important battles, many new players will flood our social network and there will be a more thrilling fight over dominace in the universe. But the principle of the game won't change.

K: In Eve there are masses of technology and items. Will there be as many weapons in DUST or more like a usual shooter - ten gunz and that's it?
CCP: The plenty technologies will be also seen in DUST. There will be many technologies and items.

K: There are vehicles and air units seen, right?
CCP: Yes.

K: Do you tell more about game modes?
CCP: No.

K: But deathmath is definatly included?
CCP: This time I won't tell anything, really. laugh

K: Okay, we wish you much luck and a soon(tm) release for us.
CCP: Many thanks.


Vamos a ver, sera una opcion mas ... igual que tener un Titan, por ejemplo.

Evidentemente si luchan dos alianzas de Eve y una de ellas tambien controla planetas por Dust, pues tendra ventajas que podran favorecer la victoria.

Es como tener un Titan, tenerlo te ayuda, pero desde luego, no hace que la victoria sea segura.

Por lo que he oido, y he puesto en eve-esp ... los planetas podrian ser fuentes de recursos, si tu alianza hace llegar una incursion de DUST, y destroza toda nave, y piloto enemigo en planetas y/o estaciones, podrias tener un punto de lanzamiento de naves en la propia galaxia del enemigo. ¿Es una ventaja? Creo que importante, pero no critica, porque primero ... has de llegar al planeta, y tal como es Eve, no creo que en Dust tengan un boton para viajar de planeta a planeta sin peligro de que los maten.

Simplemente es un abanico mas grande de opciones tacticas, una manera de favorecer el PvP y por supuesto de mejorar la politica del juego y su complejidad.

Claro, que siempre estaran los detractores que viven estupendamente tras años de Eve en su alianza megachachi, y temen que les quiten el cacho de pastel. ¿Acaso ahora no se pide ayuda entre corps para defender/atacar?

Ya veremos como lo montan, a lo mejor el de las pajas soy yo, y se montan un sistema de "arena", en el cual simplemente vas a un tablon le das a Accept y te vas directamente al combate, quien gane pues gano y arreando, y a eso se limite DUST, entonces si que te diria "menuda basura".


De fechas, supongo que ni hablamos todavía, no?


#28 Pues supuestamente DUST lleva ya un tiempo en desarrollo, o eso me ha parecido entender en los oficiales.

Si ademas supuestamente DUST es parte del control de territorios, soberanias, planetas, etc ... y eso estaba planteado para el año que viene ... pues lo logico es que DUST lo mismo.


#29 en la entrevista pone que llevan trabajando en el juego 3 años (casi nada)