Un nuevo suplemento dietético japonés hará que tus pedos huelan "como un jardín de cerezos".
Como bien dice el anuncio "!Es como si una flor de cerezo saliese de su agujero del culo!". Nonara es un producto para transformar las ráfagas olorosas en delicados aromas que harán las delicias de la oficina.
Because when your ad contains the line “It’s like cherry blossom comes out of your ass hole!” you know it’s going to be a game-changer.
If you’ve ever wished you could replace your foul-smelling bottom-burps with something a little more palatable, your dreams may have finally come true. At least if the makers of a new “dietary supplement” from Japan are to be believed.
Nonara—a product whose name appears to be a portmanteau of the English word “no” and “onara”, the Japanese for fart—purports not just to reduce the potency of one’s trumps, but to actually transform and enhance them, turning your personal gusts into waves of powerful, flower-like aroma that can be enjoyed by everyone in the office. It’s like, to borrow the maker’s eye-popping slogan, “cherry blossom comes out of your ass hole!”
(Hay subtítulos en inglés)
Wow, I'm in a field flower!
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